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HTML Encoding

  • 9 minutes to read

Web browsers can interpret data that contains reserved characters as HTML markup and execute this data as a code. You should encode data to prevent this behavior and protect a website from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

DevExpress web controls implement an EncodeHtml property that allows you to encode the control’s value and element content. When the property is set to true, the control converts angle brackets (< and > characters) to character entity references (&lt; and &gt;) and displays HTML code as text.

The EncodeHtml property ignores values and element content specified on the client.

This topic consists of sections that describe how HTML encoding is implemented in a particular DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms control.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxBinaryImage property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes an ASPxButton control’s Text property value.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxButtonEdit property values:

The control always encodes its Text and NullText property values.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxCalendar property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxCaptcha property values:

The control always encodes its TextBox.NullText property value.


A column‘s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property encodes column cell values in an ASPxCardView control.

The SettingsBehavior.EncodeErrorHtml encodes the control’s error texts. Set the SettingsCommandButton.EncodeHtml property to true to encode a command button‘s text.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxCheckBox property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxCheckBoxList property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes Text of individual items in an ASPxCloudControl control.

The control does not encode the control’s ItemBeginText and ItemEndText property values and renders these values as HTML markup.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxColorEdit property values:

Values of the following properties are always encoded:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxComboBox property values:

The control always encodes its NullText property value.

The EncodeHtml property is not in effect for item template content. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.

<dx:ASPxComboBox ID="ComboBox" DataSourceID="ContactsDataSource" runat="server">    
            <asp:Label ID="CategoryIDLabel" runat="server"
                Text='<%# System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("Phone")) %>' />


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxDateEdit property values:

The control always encodes its NullText property value.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the pager‘s button captions of an ASPxDataView control.

The EncodeHtml property is not in effect for item template content. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.

<dx:ASPxDataView ID="ASPxDataView" runat="server" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1" >
            <asp:Label ID="CategoryIDLabel" runat="server" 
                Text='<%# System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("Name")) %>' />

The control does not encode the ShowMoreItemsText and EmptyDataText property values and renders these values as HTML markup.


The EncodeHtml property encodes Title of individual custom shapes in an ASPxDiagram control.

The control always encodes the following property values:

The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxDropDownEdit property values:

The control always encodes its Text and NullText property values.


A column‘s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property encodes column cell values in an ASPxFilterControl control.


The EncodeHtml property encodes Caption of individual items in an ASPxFormLayout control.


An ASPxGantt control always encodes the following property values:

The control does not encode the Caption and ToolTip property values of individual columns in the Task List and renders these values as HTML markup.


Set a column‘s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property to true to encode column cell values in an ASPxGridView control.

The SettingsBehavior.EncodeErrorHtml property encodes the control’s error texts.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxHeadline property values:

The control does not encode the TailText property value and renders this value as HTML markup.

If the EncodeHtml property is set to false, the following properties are not in effect:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxHint property values:

The EncodeHtml property is not in effect for hint content specified on the client side.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxHtmlEditor property values:

The control does not encode Text and Value property values of individual toolbar custom items and renders these values as HTML markup.

The EncodeHtml property encodes an ASPxHyperLink control’s Text property value.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxImageGallery property values:

The control does not encode the following property values and renders these values as HTML markup:


The EncodeHtml property encodes Text of individual items in an ASPxImageSlider control.


The EncodeHtml property encodes an ASPxLabel control’s Text property value.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxListBox property values:

The EncodeHtml property is not in effect for item template content. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.

<dx:ASPxListBox ID="lbFeatures" runat="server" DataSourceID="Features">
            <asp:Label ID="CategoryIDLabel" runat="server" 
                Text='<%# System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("ID")) %>' />


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxMemo property values:

The control always encodes its Text and NullText property values.

The EncodeHtml property encodes Text of individual items in an ASPxMenu control.

The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxNavBar property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxNewsControl property values:

The control does not encode the ItemSettings.TailText and EmptyDataText property values and renders these values as HTML markup.

If the EncodeHtml property is set to false, the following properties are not in effect:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxPager property values:

The control does not encode the page size item‘s Caption property value and renders this value as HTML markup.


The EncodeHtml property encodes Text of individual tab pages in an ASPxPageControl control.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxPivotGrid property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxPopupControl property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the Text of individual items in an ASPxPopupMenu control.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxRadioButton property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxRadioButtonList property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxRibbon property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes ribbon and popup control elements of an ASPxRichEdit control. The control always encodes its content.


An ASPxRoundPanel control’s EncodeHtml property is not in effect, when the View property value is set to Standard. If the View property value is set to GroupBox, the EncodeHtml property encodes the HeaderText property value.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxSpinEdit property values:

The control always encodes its NullText property value.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the ribbon and popup control elements of an ASPxSpreadsheet control. The control always encodes its content.


The EncodeHtml property encodes Text of individual tabs in an ASPxTabControl control.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxTextBox property values:

The control always encodes its Text and NullText property values.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxTimeEdit property values:

The control always encodes its Value and NullText property values.


The EncodeHtml property encodes Text of individual items in an ASPxTitleIndex control.

The control does not encode the following property values and renders these values as HTML markup:


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxTokenBox property values:

The control always encodes its NullText property value.

The EncodeHtml property is not in effect for item template content. Call the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method to encode it.

<dx:ASPxTokenBox ID="ASPxTokenBox1" runat="server" DataSourceID="AddressBookXml">
            <asp:Label ID="CategoryIDLabel" runat="server" 
                Text='<%# System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("Email")) %>' />


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxTrackBar property values:


Set a column‘s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property to true to encode column cell values in an ASPxTreeList control.

The SettingsBehavior.EncodeErrorHtml property encodes the control’s error texts.


The EncodeHtml property encodes Text of individual nodes in an ASPxTreeView control.


The EncodeHtml property encodes the following ASPxUploadControl property values:


The EncodeHtml property encodes an ASPxValidationSummary control’s HeaderText property value.

The control summarizes validation errors from multiple editors and displays them in a single block. Set an editor’s EncodeHtml property to true to encode the editor’s error text in the ASPxValidationSummary.


Set a row‘s PropertiesEdit.EncodeHtml property to true to encode the row’s cell values in an ASPxVerticalGrid control.

The SettingsBehavior.EncodeErrorHtml property encodes the control’s error texts.