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Custom Export

  • 2 minutes to read


Starting with version 17.2, we recommend using the client API and the built-in toolbar commands for ASPxCardView data exporting.

The ASPxCardView allows using the ASPxCardViewExporter component to export the grid data to a file or stream in PDF, RTF, CSV, DOCX, XLS, and XLSX format in addition to the built-in exporting mechanism (using the standard toolbar commands, client-side and server-side API).


Assign ASPxCardView’s ID to the ASPxCardViewExporter.CardViewID property and select the exporting method. For example, use the ASPxGridExporterBase.WriteXlsToResponse method to export data to a file in an XLS format.

The ASPxCardViewExporter.Styles property allows customizing the exported grid elements’ appearance.


  • The ASPxCardViewExporter cannot export hidden data columns or templates’ content.
  • Templated elements are exported with their default representation. For instance, if you export a grid with templated cells, they are represented as default labels with text.
  • When elements with specified border styles are exported, the Groove, Inset, Outset, and Ridge styles are exported as a Solid style.

Excel Format (XLS or XLSX) Export Limitations

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