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BootstrapGridViewCssClassesBuilder Members

Stores CSS classes applied to visual elements of the Grid View control.

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Name Description
CommandColumn(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a Command Column element.
CommandColumnItem(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a command column item element.
Control(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the control’s root element.
EditForm(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Edit Form element.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object, Object) Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
FilterRow(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Filter Row element.
FocusedRow(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the currently focused row element.
FooterRow(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a footer row element.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GroupFooterRow(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a group footer row element.
GroupRow(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a group row element.
HeaderRow(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the header row element.
IconCollapseButton(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by a Collapse Group button.
IconCustomizationDialogApply(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Customization Dialog’s Apply button.
IconCustomizationDialogClose(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Customization Dialog’s Close button.
IconDetailCollapseButton(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by a Collapse Detail button.
IconDetailExpandButton(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by an Expand Detail button.
IconDragAndDropArrowDown(String) The CSS class of an image displayed at the column header’s bottom when it is dragged by an end-user.
IconDragAndDropArrowUp(String) The CSS class of an image displayed at the column header’s top when it is dragged by an end-user.
IconErrorItem(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by an error item.
IconExpandButton(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by an Expand Group button.
IconFilterRowButton(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within a filter button.
IconHeaderFilter(String) The CSS class of a header filter button icon.
IconHeaderSortDown(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by the header of a column sorted in the descending order.
IconHeaderSortUp(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by the header of a column sorted in the ascending order.
IconHideAdaptiveDetailButton(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Hide Adaptive Detail button.
IconParentGroupRows(String) The CSS class of an icon used to indicate to which group the data rows belongs.
IconShowAdaptiveDetailButton(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Show Adaptive Detail button.
IconToolbarCancel(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Cancel toolbar item.
IconToolbarClearFilter(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Clear Filter toolbar item.
IconToolbarClearGrouping(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Clear Grouping toolbar item.
IconToolbarClearSorting(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Clear Sorting toolbar item.
IconToolbarCollapseDetailRow(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Collapse Detail toolbar item.
IconToolbarCollapseRow(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Collapse toolbar item.
IconToolbarDelete(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Delete toolbar item.
IconToolbarEdit(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Edit toolbar item.
IconToolbarExpandDetailRow(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Expand Detail toolbar item.
IconToolbarExpandRow(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Expand toolbar item.
IconToolbarFullCollapse(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Collapse All toolbar item.
IconToolbarFullExpand(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Expand All toolbar item.
IconToolbarNew(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the New toolbar item.
IconToolbarRefresh(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Refresh toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowCustomizationDialog(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Customization Dialog toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowFilterRow(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Filter Row toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowFilterRowMenu(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Filter Row Menu toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowFooter(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Footer toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowGroupPanel(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Group Panel toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowSearchPanel(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Search Panel toolbar item.
IconToolbarUpdate(String) The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Update toolbar item.
InlineEditRow(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to an edit row element.
MemberwiseClone() Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
PanelBodyBottom(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a panel body’s bottom.
PanelBodyTop(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a panel body’s top.
PanelHeading(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a panel’s header.
PreviewRow(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a preview row element.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Row(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a row element.
SelectedRow(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a selected row element.
Table(String) Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the table element.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also