BootstrapGridViewCssClassesBuilder Members
Stores CSS classes applied to visual elements of the Grid View control.Methods
Name | Description |
CommandColumn(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a Command Column element. |
CommandColumnItem(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a command column item element. |
Control(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the control’s root element. |
EditForm(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Edit Form element. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object, Object) | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
FilterRow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Filter Row element. |
FocusedRow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the currently focused row element. |
FooterRow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a footer row element. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
GroupFooterRow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a group footer row element. |
GroupRow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a group row element. |
HeaderRow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the header row element. |
IconCollapseButton(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by a Collapse Group button. |
IconCustomizationDialogApply(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Customization Dialog’s Apply button. |
IconCustomizationDialogClose(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Customization Dialog’s Close button. |
IconDetailCollapseButton(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by a Collapse Detail button. |
IconDetailExpandButton(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by an Expand Detail button. |
IconDragAndDropArrowDown(String) | The CSS class of an image displayed at the column header’s bottom when it is dragged by an end-user. |
IconDragAndDropArrowLeft(String) | |
IconDragAndDropArrowRight(String) | |
IconDragAndDropArrowUp(String) | The CSS class of an image displayed at the column header’s top when it is dragged by an end-user. |
IconErrorItem(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by an error item. |
IconExpandButton(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by an Expand Group button. |
IconFilterRowButton(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within a filter button. |
IconHeaderFilter(String) | The CSS class of a header filter button icon. |
IconHeaderSortDown(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the header of a column sorted in the descending order. |
IconHeaderSortUp(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the header of a column sorted in the ascending order. |
IconHideAdaptiveDetailButton(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Hide Adaptive Detail button. |
IconParentGroupRows(String) | The CSS class of an icon used to indicate to which group the data rows belongs. |
IconShowAdaptiveDetailButton(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Show Adaptive Detail button. |
IconToolbarCancel(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Cancel toolbar item. |
IconToolbarClearFilter(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Clear Filter toolbar item. |
IconToolbarClearGrouping(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Clear Grouping toolbar item. |
IconToolbarClearSorting(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Clear Sorting toolbar item. |
IconToolbarCollapseDetailRow(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Collapse Detail toolbar item. |
IconToolbarCollapseRow(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Collapse toolbar item. |
IconToolbarDelete(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Delete toolbar item. |
IconToolbarEdit(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Edit toolbar item. |
IconToolbarExpandDetailRow(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Expand Detail toolbar item. |
IconToolbarExpandRow(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Expand toolbar item. |
IconToolbarFullCollapse(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Collapse All toolbar item. |
IconToolbarFullExpand(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Expand All toolbar item. |
IconToolbarNew(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the New toolbar item. |
IconToolbarRefresh(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Refresh toolbar item. |
IconToolbarShowCustomizationDialog(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Customization Dialog toolbar item. |
IconToolbarShowFilterRow(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Filter Row toolbar item. |
IconToolbarShowFilterRowMenu(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Filter Row Menu toolbar item. |
IconToolbarShowFooter(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Footer toolbar item. |
IconToolbarShowGroupPanel(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Group Panel toolbar item. |
IconToolbarShowSearchPanel(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Search Panel toolbar item. |
IconToolbarUpdate(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Update toolbar item. |
InlineEditRow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to an edit row element. |
MemberwiseClone() | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
PanelBodyBottom(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a panel body’s bottom. |
PanelBodyTop(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a panel body’s top. |
PanelHeading(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a panel’s header. |
PreviewRow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a preview row element. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
Row(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a row element. |
SelectedRow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a selected row element. |
Table(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the table element. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
See Also