BootstrapChartSplineAreaSeriesBuilder Methods
Stores settings of the Spline Area series.Name | Description |
Aggregation(Action<BootstrapChartAggregationSettingsBuilder>) | |
ArgumentField(String) | Sets the name of a data field providing arguments for series points. |
Axis(String) | Binds the series to a value axis. |
Color(Color) | |
CssClass(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the series element. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object, Object) | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
IgnoreEmptyPoints(Boolean) | Specifies whether a chart ignores null data points or not. |
Label(Action<BootstrapChartSeriesLabelSettingsBuilder>) | Provides access to point label settings. |
LegendMarkerCssClass(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a legend marker element. |
MaxLabelCount(Int32) | Specifies a limit for the number of point labels. |
MemberwiseClone() | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
Name(String) | Specifies the name that identifies the series. |
Pane(String) | Sets the pane which should display the current series. |
Point(Action<BootstrapChartPointSettingsBuilder>) | Configures series points. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
ShowInLegend(Boolean) | E sets a value that specifies whether or not to show the series in the chart’s legend. |
TagField(String) | Sets the name of a data field providing auxiliary data associated with a point. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
ValueErrorBar(Action<BootstrapChartValueErrorBarSettingsBuilder>) | Configures error bars for numeric axes. |
ValueField(String) | Specifies which data source field provides values for series points. |
Visible(Boolean) | Sets a value specifying the visibility of the current chart series. |
See Also