GridListEditor Properties
Represents the List Editor used by default in XAF Windows Forms applications, to display List Views in a UI.Name | Description |
AllowEdit | Indicates whether the data bound to the current List Editor can be edited via the List Editor’s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
AppearanceFocusedCellMode | Specifies whether the appearance settings for the focused cell are enabled. |
BorderStyle | Gets or sets the border style for the target Data Grid. |
CanManageActiveFilterCriteriaPropertyValue | For internal use. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
CanManageFilterPropertyValue | Obsolete. For internal use. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
CanShowReadOnlyEditor | |
Columns | Provides access to a collection of objects representing the WinColumnsListEditor‘s columns. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
ColumnView | Provides access to the View that is used to display data in the WinColumnsListEditor. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
ContextMenuTemplate | Provides access to the WinColumnsListEditor‘s Context Menu Template. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
Control | Provides access to the control that is used by the current List Editor to represent a List View in a UI. Inherited from ListEditor. |
DataSource | Specifies a List Editor‘s data source. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ErrorMessages | Provides access to the current ListEditor‘s error message collection, populated when Validation Rules are broken. Inherited from ListEditor. |
Filter | For internal use. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
FilterColumnsMode | Specifies whether only properties represented by the List Editor’s columns, or all properties, including the properties of the reference properties, are available in the Filter Editor for creating a filter criteria. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
FocusedColumnMemberName | Returns the name of a focused column field. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
FocusedObject | Gets or sets the focused object in a WinColumnsListEditor. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
Grid | Provides access to the grid control. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
GridView | Provides access to the Grid Control’s View that is used to display data in the GridListEditor. |
GridViewSummaryModelSynchronizer | |
IsDisposed | Indicates whether a List Editor has been disposed of. Inherited from ListEditor. |
List | This property is intended for internal use. Inherited from ListEditor. |
LookupColumnFilterMode | Specifies how the Automatic Filtering Row is displayed and how Find Panel performs a search in Server mode (see CollectionSourceBase.DataAccessMode) for lookup columns. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
Model | Provides access to the Application Model node that defines the List View represented by the current List Editors. Inherited from ListEditor. |
Name | Specifies the WinColumnsListEditor‘s name. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
NewItemRowHandlingMode | Specifies how a new object is created using the New Item Row. |
NewItemRowPosition | Gets or sets the position of the new item row within the GridListEditor. |
PopupSite | Gets the control over which a context menu is being invoked. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
PreventServerSideOperationsForNonPersistentMembers | Specifies whether server-side operations are prevented for non-persistent properties in the Server, ServerView, InstantFeedback, and InstantFeedbackView data access modes, or not. Inherited from ColumnsListEditor. |
Printable | Gets the control to be exported via the ExportController.ExportAction. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
ProcessSelectedItemByDoubleClick | Specifies whether or not the GridListEditor overrides the double click event processing (see ListViewProcessCurrentObjectController.ProcessCurrentObjectAction). |
ProcessSelectedItemByEnter | Specifies whether or not a selected item is processed by an Enter key press. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
ProcessSelectedItemBySingleClick | Specifies whether a List View’s record must be processed after a click or a double-click. |
ProtectedContentText | Specifies the text that is used by a List Editor to display a property which is prohibited for viewing by the current user. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ReadOnlyEditors | Specifies whether read-only editors with enabled in-place editing are used by the WinColumnsListEditor. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
RepositoryFactory | Provides access to the Repository Item Factory that is used by the WinColumnsListEditor to create in-place editors. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
RequiredProperties | Returns an array of descriptors for the properties considered bindable by the WinColumnsListEditor‘s Collection Source. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
ScrollOnMouseMove | Obsolete. For internal use. |
SelectionType | Returns the selection type supported by the WinColumnsListEditor. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
ServiceProvider | Inherited from ListEditor. |
SupportedExportFormats | Provides access to the list of export formats supported by the current Grid List Editor. Inherited from WinColumnsListEditor. |
TrackMousePosition | Specifies whether mouse tracking is enabled for the GridListEditor. |
UseAsyncLoading | Specifies whether an XPO-based WinForms application loads a List View’s data asynchronously. Inherited from ListEditor. |
See Also