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WebApplication Properties

Manages an ASP.NET Web Forms XAF application.
Name Description
ApplicationName Specifies the application’s name. Inherited from XafApplication.
CanAutomaticallyLogonWithStoredLogonParameters For internal use.
CanCreatePersistentCookie Specifies if a cookie that stores logon parameters is created.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
CheckCompatibilityType Specifies how the database and application compatibility is checked. Inherited from XafApplication.
ClientInfo For internal use.
CollectionsEditMode Obsolete. This property is obsolete. Use IModelOptionsWeb.CollectionsEditMode or IModelDetailViewWeb.CollectionsEditMode instead.
Connection Specifies the connection to the database used by the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
ConnectionString Specifies the connection string used to connect to the application’s database or to the Application Server. Inherited from XafApplication.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
CurrentAspectProvider Returns an ICurrentAspectProvider object that supplies culture-specific information. Inherited from XafApplication.
CurrentRequestTemplateType static For internal use.
DatabaseUpdateMode Specifies the database update mode. Inherited from XafApplication.
DefaultCollectionSourceMode Specifies the default mode of operation for Collection Sources created by the XafApplication. Inherited from XafApplication.
DelayedViewItemsInitialization Indicates whether View Items controls are initialized immediately when a View is created. Inherited from XafApplication.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
EditorFactory Provides access to the application’s Editors Factory, which is used to load View Items and List Editors to the Application Model and create them when needed. Inherited from XafApplication.
EnableModelCache Specifies if the Application Model cache designed to improve the startup speed and performance is enabled. Inherited from XafApplication.
EnableMultipleBrowserTabsSupport static Specifies whether or not support for multiple browser tabs is enabled.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
FrameTemplateFactory Specifies the IFrameTemplateFactory object that provides Templates for an ASP.NET Web Forms application.
IgnoredExceptions Returns a collection of exceptions that are not to be reported by the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
Instance static Gets the ASP.NET Web Forms application instance.
IsConnectionOwner For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication.
IsDelayedDetailViewDataLoadingEnabled For internal use. Use the DetailView.UseAsyncLoading field instead of this property. Inherited from XafApplication.
IsLoading Indicates whether the application component is currently being initialized. Inherited from XafApplication.
IsLoggedOn Indicates whether a user has logged on to the application.
LinkNewObjectToParentImmediately Specifies whether or not a link between a master and child object is created immediately when the NewObjectViewController.NewObjectAction is executed in a nested List View with a non-aggregated collection. Inherited from XafApplication.
LogonWindow Gets the ASP.NET Web Forms application’s logon Window
MainWindow Provides access to the ASP.NET Web Forms application’s main Window.
MaxLogonAttemptCount Specifies the allowed number of failed login attempts before the application closes. Inherited from XafApplication.
Model Provides access to the Application Model‘s root node. Inherited from XafApplication.
Modules Provides access to the module list used by the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
ObjectSpaceProvider Provides access to the application’s Object Space Provider. Inherited from XafApplication.
ObjectSpaceProviderContainer Inherited from XafApplication.
ObjectSpaceProviders Gets a list of Object Space Providers used by XafApplication. Inherited from XafApplication.
OptimizeControllersCreationInMasterDetailMode For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
OptimizedControllersCreation Disables the instantiation of Controllers that will never be activated in nested List Views. Inherited from XafApplication.
PopupWindowManager Gets the object that provides methods and events for managing popup windows.
PreferredApplicationWindowTemplateType static Specifies the Template type for the application’s main page.
RequestManager Gets the HTTP request manager.
ResourcesExportedToModel Provides access to a collection of Resource Localizers used in the current application to extend the Application Model’s IModelLocalization node. Inherited from XafApplication.
Security Provides access to the Security Strategy used in the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
ServiceProvider Provides access to IServiceProvider. Inherited from XafApplication.
Settings Specifies settings of the ASP.NET Web Forms application’s Templates content.
ShowViewStrategy Specifies the application’s Show View Strategy. Inherited from XafApplication.
Site For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication.
TablePrefixes For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
Title Specifies the application’s title. Inherited from XafApplication.
TypesInfo Gets the ITypesInfo object that supplies metadata on types used in an XAF application. Inherited from XafApplication.
ViewUrlManager Provides access to an object that is used by a WebApplication to manage URLs and implements the IViewUrlManager interface.
See Also