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IModelPopupWindowOptionsWeb Members

The PopupWindowOptions node specifies options of the pop-up Window used in ASP.NET Web applications.


Name Description
Application Provides access to the Application Model‘s root node. Inherited from IModelNode.
Index Specifies the order index by which nodes are arranged. Inherited from IModelNode.
NodeCount Gets the number of child nodes. Inherited from IModelNode.
Parent Provides access to the parent node. Inherited from IModelNode.
Root For internal use only. Inherited from IModelNode.
WindowHeight Specifies the height of pop-up Windows in ASP.NET Web applications.
WindowWidth Specifies the width of pop-up Windows in ASP.NET Web applications.


Name Description
AddNode<NodeType>() Adds a new child node of a specific type. Inherited from IModelNode.
AddNode<NodeType>(String) Adds a new child node of a specific type with a specific identifier. Inherited from IModelNode.
ClearValue(String) Resets the node’s property value to the value specified in the previous Application Model layer. Inherited from IModelNode.
GetNode(Int32) Gets the child node with a specific index. Inherited from IModelNode.
GetNode(String) Gets the child node with a specific identifier. Inherited from IModelNode.
GetValue<ValueType>(String) Returns the value of the node’s specified property. Inherited from IModelNode.
HasValue(String) Indicates whether the node’s property has a value assigned. Inherited from IModelNode.
Remove() Removes the current node. Inherited from IModelNode.
SetValue<ValueType>(String, ValueType) Changes the value of the node’s specified property. Inherited from IModelNode.
See Also