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.NET 6.0+

IModelListViewScheduler.SchedulerViewType Property

Specifies the view type used by the Scheduler List Editor.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.v24.1.dll


SchedulerViewType SchedulerViewType { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A SchedulerViewType enumeration value that specifies the view type used by the Scheduler List Editor.

Property Value

Type Description

A SchedulerViewType enumeration value that specifies the view type used by the Scheduler List Editor.


This property is considered for the List Views displayed by the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Blazor.Editors.SchedulerListEditor, SchedulerListEditor, and ASPxSchedulerListEditor.

The following values are available:

  • Day - lets users schedule and view appointments by day.
  • Month - lets users schedule and view appointments across several weeks.
  • Timeline - displays appointments as horizontal bars along the timescales and provides users with a scheduling overview.
  • Week - lets users schedule and view appointments by week.
  • WorkWeek - displays appointments for the working days in a particular week.
See Also