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PivotGridListEditor.FilterEditorCreated Event

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotGrid.Win

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotGrid.Win.v22.2.dll


public event EventHandler<BaseFilterControlEventArgs> FilterEditorCreated

Event Data

The FilterEditorCreated event's data class is BaseFilterControlEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Context Provides access to the ExpressionEditorContext object, which allows you to customize the FilterEditorControl‘s “Text” tab.
FilterEditor Gets the FilterControl (in Visual view mode) or embedded FilterControl (in VisualText, TextVisual and Text view modes).
IFilterEditor Provides access to the currently used Filter Control (FilterControl or FilterEditorControl) via an interface.
ShowFilterEditor Gets or sets whether to display the Filter Editor (the form that embeds the Filter Editor).
See Also