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.NET Framework 4.5.2+
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EFObjectSpaceProvider Constructors

Provides an Object Space in EF 6-based XAF applications.
Name Parameters Description
EFObjectSpaceProvider(Type, ITypesInfo, EFTypeInfoSource, DbConnection, String, String) contextType, typesInfo, typeInfoSource, connection, metadataLocations, providerName Initializes a new instance of the EFObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
EFObjectSpaceProvider(Type, ITypesInfo, EFTypeInfoSource, DbConnection) contextType, typesInfo, typeInfoSource, connection Initializes a new instance of the EFObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
EFObjectSpaceProvider(Type, ITypesInfo, EFTypeInfoSource, String, String, String) contextType, typesInfo, typeInfoSource, connectionString, metadataLocations, providerName Initializes a new instance of the EFObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
EFObjectSpaceProvider(Type, ITypesInfo, EFTypeInfoSource, String) contextType, typesInfo, typeInfoSource, connectionString Initializes a new instance of the EFObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
EFObjectSpaceProvider(Type, DbConnection) contextType, connection Initializes a new instance of the EFObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
EFObjectSpaceProvider(Type, String) contextType, connectionString Initializes a new instance of the EFObjectSpaceProvider class with specified settings.
See Also