System Requirements
#.NET Framework (WinForms & ASP.NET Web Forms)
- Visual Studio 2017+.
- A free 30-day trial version or a licensed version of DevExpress Universal Subscription is installed on your machine.
- Any RDBMS supported by XPO (see Database Systems Supported by XPO) is installed and accessible from your machine to store the application data (with Microsoft SQL Server).
#.NET (WinForms & ASP.NET Core Blazor)
- Visual Studio 2022 with the ASP.NET and web development and .NET desktop development workloads.
- .NET 8.0 SDK
- A free 30-day trial version or a licensed version of DevExpress Universal Subscription is installed on your machine.
- Any RDBMS supported by the XPO ORM tool (see Database Systems Supported by XPO) is installed and accessible from your machine to store the application data, or Microsoft SQL Server if you use Entity Framework Core.