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Get the Current User in Code

  • 4 minutes to read

An application’s functionality may depend on the user who is currently logged on. So, you may need to get the user name, user ID, or the entire user object. This topic describes how to access the current user information in popular use case scenarios.

In .NET 6+ Applications

The following help topics describe how to use Dependency Injection to access an object that stores the current user information:

In .NET Framework Applications

In .NET Framework Applications, you can use the following static properties exposed by the SecuritySystem class to access the current user information:


ASP.NET 6+ classes (MVC controllers, Razor components) and Web API controllers cannot use these static properties.

Access Current User in Criteria

When you are required to use the current user in a filter criteria, use the CurrentUserId function criteria operator.

Initialize the Object Owner

EF Core

To assign a current user reference to the Owner property of your business class, implement the IXafEntityObject and IObjectSpaceLink interfaces in this class and implement the IXafEntityObject.OnCreated method in the following manner:

using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security;
// ...
public class TestClass : IXafEntityObject, IObjectSpaceLink {
    public virtual ApplicationUser? Owner { get; set; }
    void IXafEntityObject.OnCreated() {
        Owner = ObjectSpace.GetObjectByKey<ApplicationUser>(
    // ...

Alternatively, you can inherit your business class from the DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.EF.BaseObject and override its OnCreated method:

using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security;
// ...
public class TestClass : BaseObject {
    public virtual ApplicationUser? Owner { get; set; }
    public override void OnCreated() {
        Owner = ObjectSpace.GetObjectByKey<ApplicationUser>(
    // ...


The complete example is available in the IXafEntityObject interface description.


When using XPO, you can also override the BaseObject.AfterConstruction method as follows:

public class TestClass : BaseObject {
    ApplicationUser? owner;
    public ApplicationUser? Owner {
        get => owner;
        set => SetPropertyValue(nameof(Owner), ref owner, value);
    public override void AfterConstruction() {
        Owner = Session.GetObjectByKey<ApplicationUser>(
    // ...

Check Security Permissions in Code

The following help topic describes how to check if a user has a specific role or has permission to perform a specific operation: Determine if the Current User Has Specific Permissions.

Configure Permissions Based on the Object Owner

To grant access to objects that are owned by the current user and prohibit access to other objects, implement the Owner property as demonstrated above, and configure the security permissions as follows:

  • Add a Type Permission for the object type you wish to filter and set its ReadState property to Deny or leave it empty if the role’s Permission Policy is DenyAllByDefault.
  • Add an Object Permission to this Type Permission, and set its ReadState property to Allow and the Criteria property to Owner.Oid = CurrentUserId().
userRole.AddObjectPermission<Note>(SecurityOperations.Read, "Owner.Oid = CurrentUserId()", SecurityPermissionState.Allow);
// or
userRole.AddObjectPermissionFromLambda<Note>(SecurityOperations.Read, n => n.Owner.Oid == (Guid)CurrentUserIdOperator.CurrentUserId(), SecurityPermissionState.Allow);
See Also