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ASPxClientWebDocumentViewer Events

A client-side equivalent of the ASPxWebDocumentViewer class.
Name Description
BeforeRender Occurs before the Web Document Viewer UI is initialized.
CustomizeElements Allows you to customize the Web Document Viewer’s UI elements.
CustomizeExportOptions Allows you to customize the Web Document Viewer’s available export formats and corresponding export options.
CustomizeLocalization Enables you to customize the Web Document Viewer’s localization strings.
CustomizeMenuActions Enables you to customize the Web Document Viewer’s toolbar commands.
CustomizeParameterEditors Occurs each time a standard editor is created for a report parameter based on a parameter type.
CustomizeParameterLookUpSource Occurs each time a look-up editor is created for a report parameter.
DocumentReady Occurs after the Web Document Viewer loads a report document.
EditingFieldChanged Occurs each time an editing field’s value changes.
OnServerError Occurs on the client each time a server-side error raises.
ParametersReset Occurs after report parameter values are reset to their default values.
ParametersSubmitted Occurs after report parameter values are submitted.
PreviewClick Occurs when the left mouse button is clicked on a report document.
See Also