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ISerializableObjectLayerService Members

Defines a WCF service contract to access data via SerializableObjectLayer objects.


Name Description
CommitObjects(XPDictionaryStub, XPObjectStubCollection, XPObjectStubCollection, LockingOption) When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayer.CommitObjects method implementation and returns the operation result.
CreateObjectType(String, String) When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayer.CreateObjectType method implementation and returns the operation result.
GetCanLoadCollectionObjects() When implemented by a class, obtains the value from an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayer.CanLoadCollectionObjects property implementation and returns the operation result.
GetObjectsByKey(XPDictionaryStub, GetObjectStubsByKeyQuery[]) When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayer.GetObjectsByKey method implementation and returns the operation result.
GetParentObjectsToDelete() When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayerEx.GetParentObjectsToDelete method implementation and returns the operation result.
GetParentObjectsToSave() When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayerEx.GetParentObjectsToSave method implementation and returns the operation result.
GetParentTouchedClassInfos() When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayerEx.GetParentTouchedClassInfos method implementation and returns the operation result.
IsParentObjectToDelete(XPDictionaryStub, XPObjectStub) When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayerEx.IsParentObjectToDelete method implementation and returns the operation result.
IsParentObjectToSave(XPDictionaryStub, XPObjectStub) When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayerEx.IsParentObjectToSave method implementation and returns the operation result.
LoadCollectionObjects(XPDictionaryStub, String, XPObjectStub) When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayer.LoadCollectionObjects method implementation and returns the operation result.
LoadDelayedProperties(XPDictionaryStub, XPObjectStub, String[]) When implemented by a class, executes the corresponding ISerializableObjectLayerEx.LoadDelayedProperties overloaded method implementation of an object layer and returns the operation result.
LoadDelayedProperty(XPDictionaryStub, XPObjectStubCollection, String) When implemented by a class, executes the corresponding ISerializableObjectLayerEx.LoadDelayedProperties overloaded method implementation of an object layer and returns the operation result.
LoadObjects(XPDictionaryStub, ObjectStubsQuery[]) When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayer.LoadObjects method implementation and returns the operation result.
Purge() When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayer.Purge method implementation and returns the operation result.
SelectData(XPDictionaryStub, ObjectStubsQuery, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator) When implemented by a class, executes an object layer’s ISerializableObjectLayer.SelectData method implementation and returns the operation result.
See Also