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CategoryRowProperties Properties

Contains row item settings for a category row.
Name Description
AccessibleDescription Gets or sets the object’s description used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from RowProperties.
AccessibleName Gets or sets the object’s name used by accessibility client applications. Inherited from RowProperties.
AccessibleRole Gets or sets the object’s accessible role. Inherited from RowProperties.
AllowEdit Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to invoke cell editors for the current row. Inherited from RowProperties.
AllowSortOnClick Gets or sets whether users can click the row header to sort data. Inherited from RowProperties.
AnnotationAttributes This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from RowProperties.
BaseName For internal use. Inherited from RowProperties.
Bindable Gets a value indicating whether the corresponding row can display data from a data source field.
Caption Gets or sets the row caption. Inherited from RowProperties.
CustomizationCaption Gets or sets the row’s caption when its header is displayed within the Customization Form. Inherited from RowProperties.
DisplayFormat Inherited from RowProperties.
DrawEditorBorder Gets or sets whether to draw borders around row items. Inherited from RowProperties.
FieldName Overrides the inherited RowProperties.FieldName property to return an empty string and prohibit property value modifications.
FilterInfo Gets or sets an object specifying the filter applied to the current row. Inherited from RowProperties.
FilterMode Gets or sets whether display or edit values of this row used to filter the control’s data. Inherited from RowProperties.
Format Gets the object that specifies the formatting applied to row values. Inherited from RowProperties.
ImageIndex Gets or sets the index of the image displayed within a row item header. Inherited from RowProperties.
ImageOptions Provides access to settings that allow you to set up raster and vector icons for this row item’s header. Inherited from RowProperties.
Images Gets the source of the images displayed within row headers. Inherited from RowProperties.
IsLoading Gets whether the object is being initialized. Inherited from RowProperties.
IsSourceReadOnly Gets whether the data field corresponding to the current editor row is read only in the data source. Inherited from RowProperties.
OptionsFilter This property is not relevant for this class.
Padding Gets or sets padding for row items. Inherited from RowProperties.
ReadOnly This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Row Gets an object representing the row to which a row belongs. Inherited from RowProperties.
RowEdit Gets or sets the repository item specifying the editor used to edit a row’s cell values.
RowEditName Gets or sets the name of the row’s editor.
RowHandle Gets the position of the associated field within a data source.
RowType Gets the type of data represented by a row item. Inherited from RowProperties.
SearchTags Gets or sets a comma-separated list of tags by which the find panel can find this row. Inherited from RowProperties.
ShowCaption Gets or sets whether to show the row caption. Inherited from RowProperties.
ShowUnboundExpressionMenu Gets or sets whether an end-user can open an Expression Editor for the current unbound row, using a context menu. Inherited from RowProperties.
SortIndex Gets or sets the row’s index in the collection of rows by which data in the control is sorted. Inherited from RowProperties.
SortOrder Gets or sets whether the row data is sorted in ascending or descending order. Inherited from RowProperties.
ToolTip Gets or sets a custom tooltip for the current row header. Inherited from RowProperties.
UnboundDataType Allows you to make the row unbound, and specify the type of data it stores. Inherited from RowProperties.
UnboundDataTypeName For internal use. Inherited from RowProperties.
UnboundExpression Gets or sets an expression used to evaluate values for the current unbound row. Inherited from RowProperties.
UnboundType Specifies whether this row is unbound, and if so, the type of data it stores. Inherited from RowProperties.
Value Gets or sets the value of a row item’s data cell when the grid is in Unbound Mode. Inherited from RowProperties.
See Also