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FormatTimeIntervalInfo Members

An information control used to print a textual view of the time interval, using the specified format.


Name Description
FormatTimeIntervalInfo() Initializes a new instance of the FormatTimeIntervalInfo class with the default settings.


Name Description
AccessibleDescription Bindable. Gets or sets the description of a control used by assistive technologies. Inherited from XRControl.
AnchorHorizontal Specifies the horizontal anchoring type of a report control. Inherited from XRControl.
AutoFormat Specifies whether the date format is dependant on the bound time cells.
AutoScaleFont Gets or sets whether the control’s font is modified automatically, so that the text fits the control’s dimensions. Inherited from TextInfoControlBase.
Band Provides access to the owner band, in which the current control is situated. Inherited from XRControl.
Bookmark Bindable. Gets or sets the text of a bookmark for this control. Inherited from XRControl.
BookmarkParent Gets or sets the report control whose bookmark is the parent of the current bookmark. Inherited from XRControl.
BorderColor Gets or sets the control’s border color. Inherited from XRControl.
BorderDashStyle Specifies the dash style for the control’s border. Inherited from XRControl.
Borders Specifies a set of borders (top, right, bottom, left) that should be visible for the control. Inherited from XRControl.
BorderWidth Specifies the width of cell borders in pixels, as a floating point value. Inherited from XRControl.
Bottom For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
BottomF Gets the Y-coordinate of the control’s bottom edge (measured in report units). Inherited from XRControl.
Bounds For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
BoundsF Specifies the location and size of a report element, according to the system of measurement selected for the report. Inherited from XRControl.
CanHaveChildren Gets a value indicating whether the control can contain other controls. Inherited from XRControl.
CanPublish Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document. Inherited from XRControl.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
Controls Gets the collection of XRControl objects or their descendants that are contained in this control. Inherited from XRControl.
ControlType For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
Dock Obsolete. For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
Dpi For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
DrillDownKey For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
ExpressionBindings Provides access to a control’s collection of expression bindings. Inherited from XRControl.
Font Gets or sets the font used to print the text in the informational controls. Inherited from TextInfoControlBase.
ForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color of the control. Inherited from TextInfoControlBase.
FormatString Specifies the format string to display the datetime value by the control.
FormattingRuleLinks For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
HasChildren Gets a value indicating whether the control contains other XRControl objects. Inherited from XRControl.
Height For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
HeightF Specifies the control’s height (measured in report units). Inherited from XRControl.
Index Gets the zero-based index of this control in its parent’s collection of controls. Inherited from XRControl.
IsDisposed For internal use. Gets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. Inherited from XRControl.
IsSingleChild Checks whether the report element (control or band) is a single child of its parent. Inherited from XRControl.
Left For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
LeftF Specifies the X-coordinate of the control’s left edge (measured in report units). Inherited from XRControl.
Location For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
LocationF Specifies the floating-point representation of the coordinates of the control’s upper-left corner. Inherited from XRControl.
LocationFloat For internal use. Supports serialization of the XRControl.LocationF property. Inherited from XRControl.
LockedInUserDesigner Gets or sets a value that specifies whether this control can be changed by an end-user in the End-User Designer. Inherited from XRControl.
Name Gets or sets a name of the control. Inherited from XRControl.
NavigateUrl Bindable. Specifies the URL to navigate to when a control is clicked. Inherited from XRControl.
NullValueText For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
Parent Specifies the parent object that contains the current control. Inherited from XRControl.
ParentStyleUsing For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
PrintContentMode Gets or sets how the time interval for display is chosen. Inherited from TimeIntervalInfoBase.
PrintInColumn Specifies in which columns the control is printed. Inherited from DataDependentControlBase.
PrintTimeInterval Gets the time interval printed by the control. Inherited from TimeIntervalInfoBase.
ProcessDuplicates Obsolete. Obsolete. See ProcessDuplicatesMode. Inherited from XRControl.
ProcessDuplicatesMode Specifies how to process report controls with duplicate values. This property is for internal use only. See the list below for properties that override this property. Inherited from XRControl.
ProcessDuplicatesTarget Specifies whether the data field value or the Tag property value is used to identify duplicate values in the report. Inherited from XRControl.
ProcessNullValues Specifies how to process report controls with null values. This property is for internal use only. See the list below for properties that override this property. Inherited from XRControl.
Report Provides access to the report that contains the control. Inherited from XRControl.
Right For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
RightF Gets the X-coordinate of the control’s right edge (measured in report units). Inherited from XRControl.
RightToLeft For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
RootReport Provides access to the report to which the control belongs. Inherited from XRControl.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
Size For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
SizeF Gets or sets the size of the control. Inherited from XRControl.
SnapLineMargin Specifies the control’s margins that are maintained when the control is aligned using snap lines. Inherited from XRControl.
SnapLinePadding Designed to be used internally. Use the XRPanel.SnapLinePadding or Band.SnapLinePadding property instead. Inherited from XRControl.
Tag Bindable. Gets or sets the object that contains data about this control. Inherited from XRControl.
Target Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the linked Web page’s content, when the control is clicked. Inherited from XRControl.
TextFormatString Designed to be used internally. Use a specific control’s TextFormatString property instead (e.g., XRLabel.TextFormatString, XRBarCode.TextFormatString or XRCheckBox.TextFormatString. Inherited from XRControl.
TextTrimming For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
TimeCells Gets or sets the time cells determining the date ranges displayed in the control.
Top For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
TopF Gets or sets the Y-coordinate of the control’s top edge (measured in report units). Inherited from XRControl.
Value For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
View Gets or sets the associated view. Inherited from TextInfoControlBase.
Visible Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the report control is displayed in a document. Inherited from XRControl.
Width For internal use. Inherited from XRControl.
WidthF Specifies the control’s width (measured in report units). Inherited from XRControl.


Name Description
AllControls<T>() Returns a collection that contains all controls found within XRControl (within a report). Inherited from XRControl.
BringToFront() Brings the control to the front of the z-order. Inherited from XRControl.
CreateObjRef(Type) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FindControl(String, Boolean) Finds the control that has the specified name in the XRControl.Controls collection. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectiveBackColor() Returns the color actually used as the control’s background color. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectiveBorderColor() Returns the color actually used as the control’s border color. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectiveBorderDashStyle() Returns the border dash style that is actually used by the control. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectiveBorders() Returns the borders settings actually used as the control’s borders settings. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectiveBorderWidth() Returns the border width settings actually used as the control’s current settings. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectiveFont() Returns the font actually used as the control’s font. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectiveForeColor() Returns the color actually used as the control’s foreground color. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectivePadding() Returns the padding values actually used as the control’s padding. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectiveStyle() Returns the actual visual style of a control taking into account all formatting rules and odd/even styles applied to the control. Inherited from XRControl.
GetEffectiveTextAlignment() Returns the text alignment actually used as the control’s text alignment. Inherited from XRControl.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
PerformLayout() Forces the control to apply layout logic to itself and all its child controls. Inherited from XRControl.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemoveInvalidBindings(Predicate<XRBinding>) Removes inappropriate bindings assigned to the XRControl‘s properties. Inherited from XRControl.
ResetBackColor() Resets the XRControl.BackColor property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl.
ResetBorderColor() Resets the XRControl.BorderColor property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl.
ResetBorderDashStyle() Resets the XRControl.BorderDashStyle property to en empty value. Inherited from XRControl.
ResetBorderWidth() Resets the XRControl.BorderWidth property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl.
ResetFont() Resets the XRControl.Font property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl.
ResetForeColor() Resets the XRControl.ForeColor property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl.
ResetPadding() Resets the XRControl.Padding property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl.
ResetTextAlignment() Resets the XRControl.TextAlignment property value, so that it is no longer stored in the current control and is obtained from its parent instead. Inherited from XRControl.
ResumeLayout() Resumes normal layout logic for the control. Inherited from XRControl.
SendToBack() Sends the control to the back of the z-order. Inherited from XRControl.
SuspendLayout() Temporarily suspends the layout logic for the control. Inherited from XRControl.
ToImage() Returns a graphical representation of a control. Inherited from XRControl.
ToImage(DXTextRenderingHint) Returns the graphical representation of a control created using the specified text rendering mode. Inherited from XRControl.
ToString() Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component.


Name Description
AfterPrint Occurs after an XRControl object is displayed in the report. Inherited from XRControl.
BeforePrint Occurs before an XRControl object creates its image in a report being generated. Inherited from XRControl.
CustomizeText Occurs before the control is rendered, and enables you to modify the text being printed. Inherited from TextInfoControlBase.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
Draw Occurs when an XRControl object is drawn or redrawn in a report’s Print Preview. Inherited from XRControl.
EvaluateBinding Occurs after a data-bound XRControl object obtains data from its data source. Inherited from XRControl.
HtmlItemCreated Occurs when a new item used for a Web representation of the control is created. Inherited from XRControl.
LocationChanged Occurs when the value of the XRControl.Location property is changed. Inherited from XRControl.
ParentChanged Occurs when the XRControl instance’s parent is changed. Inherited from XRControl.
PreviewClick Occurs when the mouse button is clicked while the cursor is hovering over one of the bricks created by the XRControl for its representation in the report preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PreviewDoubleClick Occurs when the left mouse button is double-clicked while the cursor is hovering over one of the bricks created for the control‘s representation in the report preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PreviewMouseDown Occurs when an end-user presses the mouse button while the mouse pointer is hovering over one of the bricks created for the control‘s representation in the report preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PreviewMouseMove Occurs when the mouse cursor moves over the control during the report’s preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PreviewMouseUp Occurs when an end-user releases the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is hovering over one of the bricks created for the control‘s representation in the report preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PrintOnPage Occurs when the representation of a control is printed on the current page of the report. Inherited from XRControl.
SizeChanged Occurs when the value of the XRControl.Size property is changed. Inherited from XRControl.
TextChanged Occurs when the value of the XRControl.Text property is changed. Inherited from XRControl.
See Also