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AppointmentLabelDataStorage.ColorSaving Property

Gets or sets the type of values stored in the data source field mapped to the LabelMappingInfo.Color property.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler


public DXColorSavingType ColorSaving { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
DXColorSavingType Auto

A DXColorSavingType enumerator value that specifies the value type.

Available values:

Name Description

A data field mapped to the LabelMappingInfo.Color property can store values of any supported type. A correct value type is determined automatically.


A data field mapped to the LabelMappingInfo.Color property must store OLE_Color values.


A data field mapped to the LabelMappingInfo.Color property must store 32-bit ARGB values (integer values in the “AARRGGBB” format, e.g. “-65536” for red). You can retrieve integer ARGB values using the Color.ToArgb method.


A data field mapped to the LabelMappingInfo.Color property must store string values that specify colors in the hexadecimal format (e.g., “0xFFFF0000” for red).


A data field mapped to the LabelMappingInfo.Color property must store System.Drawing.Color type values.


The data source field mapped to the LabelMappingInfo.Color property can store colors in different formats: string hexadecimal values, System.Drawing.Color values, integer ARGB values, etc. Depending on the ColorSaving property value, the SchedulerDataStorage expects specific Color value types.

You can leave the ColorSaving property at its default DXColorSavingType.Auto value to let the AppointmentLabelDataStorage automatically recognize the Color values’ type. If the ColorSaving property is set to an incorrect value, Appointments have no color labeling.

See the DXColorSavingType enumeration values to learn what Color value types match specific ColorSaving property values.

See Also