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AppointmentDataStorage.Filter Property

Gets or set an expression used as a criteria to filter appointments in the storage.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v18.2.dll


public string Filter { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
String String.Empty

A string containing a logical expression.


Appointments are filtered before they are visible in the Scheduler view (see the Logical Layers document). If you apply a filter, the storage still contains all appointments, but only appointments satisfying the filter criteria are displayed in the View.

The expression syntax is described in the Criteria Language Syntax topic.

The Filter property returns the string equivalent of the CriteriaOperator specified by the AppointmentDataStorage.FilterCriteria property. When the Filter property is set, the AppointmentDataStorage.FilterCriteria obtains its value by using the CriteriaOperator.Parse method.


Use the SchedulerDataStorage.FilterAppointment and SchedulerDataStorage.FilterResource events to hide specific objects.

See Also