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PivotGridOptionsBehavior Members

Provides behavior options for the control.


Name Description
PivotGridOptionsBehavior(EventHandler) Initializes a new instance of the PivotGridOptionsBehavior class with the specified change notifications delegate.


Name Description
DefaultLoadingPanelDelay static The default delay between starting an asynchronous operation and displaying the loading panel. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBehaviorBase.


Name Description
ApplyBestFitOnFieldDragging Gets or sets whether the Best-Fit feature is automatically applied to a field after it has been dragged and dropped at another location.
BestFitConsiderCustomAppearance Gets or sets whether custom appearance settings should be taken into account when calculating minimum column width for Best Fit.
BestFitMode Gets or sets which visual elements are taken into account when calculating the optimal width for columns. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBehaviorBase.
ClipboardCopyCollapsedValuesMode Gets or sets how to copy collapsed field values to the Clipboard. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBehaviorBase.
ClipboardCopyMultiSelectionMode Gets or sets how to copy cells to the Clipboard when multiple cells are selected. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBehaviorBase.
CopyToClipboardWithFieldValues Gets or sets whether field values are copied to the Clipboard when CTRL+C is pressed or the PivotGridCells.CopySelectionToClipboard method is called. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBehaviorBase.
EditorShowMode Gets or sets how in-place editors are activated.
ExpressionEditorMode Gets or sets the type of editor that end-users can invoke to modify expressions for calculated fields.
HorizontalScrolling Gets or sets a value which specifies the Pivot Grid Control’s behavior when it is scrolled horizontally.
LoadingPanelDelay Gets or sets the delay between starting an asynchronous operation and displaying the loading panel. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBehaviorBase.
RepaintGridOnFocusedCellChanged Gets or sets whether the grid control is repainted when focus is moved from one cell to another.
SortBySummaryDefaultOrder Gets or sets the sort order applied to a field when sorting by summaries is enabled for it. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBehaviorBase.
UseAsyncMode Gets or sets whether data-aware operations caused by end-user actions are performed asynchronously. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBehaviorBase.


Name Description
Assign(BaseOptions) Copies all the settings from the options object passed as the parameter to the current object. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBase.
BeginUpdate() Locks the BaseOptions object by disallowing visual updates until the EndUpdate or CancelUpdate method is called. Inherited from BaseOptions.
CancelUpdate() Unlocks the BaseOptions object after it has been locked by the BeginUpdate method, without causing an immediate visual update. Inherited from BaseOptions.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the BaseOptions object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. Inherited from BaseOptions.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetEditorShowMode() Returns the actual editor show mode based on the PivotGridOptionsBehavior.EditorShowMode property.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Reset() Resets all options to their default values. Inherited from BaseOptions.
ShouldSerialize() Tests whether the PivotGridOptionsBase object should be persisted. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBase.
ToString() Returns a string representing the currently enabled options. Inherited from BaseOptions.


Name Description
OptionsChanged For internal use. Inherited from PivotGridOptionsBase.
See Also