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TileViewItemOptions Properties

Stores advanced tile settings for the TileView.
Name Description
AllowItemHover Gets or sets whether tiles support the hover visual state.
AllowPressAnimation Gets or sets whether tiles within this TileView should be displayed as sunken when an end-user presses them.
ColumnCount Gets or sets the maximum or exact number of columns (depending on layout mode) to accommodate tiles. The ColumnCount property is in effect when the TileViewItemOptions.Orientation setting is Vertical. The property is ignored in Kanban layout mode.
DefaultGroupTextPadding static Gets a default value for the TileViewItemOptions.GroupTextPadding property.
DefaultIndentBetweenGroups static Gets the default distance between neighboring tile groups.
DefaultIndentBetweenItems static Gets the default distance between neighboring tiles within this TileView.
DefaultItemPadding static Returns the default tile padding.
DefaultItemSize static Gets the default size of tiles within this TileView.
DefaultPadding static Stores the default TileView padding.
GroupTextOffset Gets or sets the horizontal offset of the group header, in pixels.
GroupTextPadding Gets or sets the amount of empty space around a group header text (see TileViewColumns.GroupColumn).
GroupTextToItemsIndent Gets or sets the indent between the group header and group items, in pixels.
HighlightFocusedTileStyle Gets or sets whether the focused tile is highlighted using a border, background, both or is not highlighted.
HorizontalContentAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment mode for this TileView‘s content.
IndentBetweenGroups Gets or sets the distance between neighboring tile groups.
IndentBetweenItems Gets or sets the distance between neighboring tiles within this TileView.
ItemBackgroundImageAlignment Gets or sets the alignment for tile background images.
ItemBackgroundImageScaleMode Gets or sets the scale mode for tile background images.
ItemBorderVisibility Gets or sets the tile border visibility mode applied to all tiles within this TileView.
ItemPadding Gets or sets the padding for all tiles within the TileView.
ItemSize Gets or sets the size of tiles within this TileView.
LayoutMode Gets or sets the layout mode for tiles within the TileView.
Orientation Gets or sets the way tiles are arranged, horizontally or vertically.
Padding Gets or sets the current TileView padding.
RowCount Gets or sets the maximum or exact number of rows (depending on layout mode) to accommodate tiles. The RowCount property is in effect when the TileViewItemOptions.Orientation setting is Horizontal. The property is ignored in Kanban layout mode.
ScrollMode Gets or sets which scroll elements this TileView should display.
ShowGroupText Gets or sets whether the tile groups’ captions should be visible.
StretchItems Gets or sets whether tiles are stretched to fit the View’s width/height (depending on the Orientation setting). The property is ignored in List layout mode.
VerticalContentAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment mode for the TileView content.
See Also