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BandedGridOptionsPrint Properties

Provides print/export options for Banded Grid Views.
Name Description
AllowCancelPrintExport Gets or sets whether the print/export progress window contains a Cancel button, which allows an end-user to cancel the current print/export operation. Inherited from ViewPrintOptionsBase.
AllowMultilineHeaders Gets or sets whether text is wrapped in the print/export output if it contains newline characters. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.

Gets or sets whether the grid automatically clears a generated print/export document and then generates this document each time the grid is printed/exported. In server mode, this option is not in effect.

Inherited from ViewPrintOptionsBase.
AutoWidth Gets or sets whether widths of columns in the print/export output are automatically changed so that the View fits the page width. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.

Gets or sets whether even rows in the print/export output are painted using the appearance settings provided by the GridViewPrintAppearances.EvenRow property. This option is in effect when the GridOptionsPrint.UsePrintStyles property is set to true.

Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.

Gets or sets whether odd rows in the print/export output are painted using the appearance settings provided by the GridViewPrintAppearances.OddRow property. This option is in effect when the GridOptionsPrint.UsePrintStyles property is set to true.

Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
ExpandAllDetails Gets or sets whether the View is printed/exported with all master rows expanded. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
ExpandAllGroups Gets or sets whether the View is printed/exported with all group rows expanded. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
IgnoreGroupDrawMode Gets or sets whether to print group rows with the default style and ignore the GroupDrawMode setting. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
IgnoreHtmlDrawGroups Gets or sets whether to print group rows with the default style and ignore the AllowHtmlDrawGroups setting. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
MaxMergedCellHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of merged cells in the print/export output. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintBandHeader Gets or sets whether band headers are printed/exported.
PrintDetails Gets or sets whether to print/export currently expanded details (in master-detail mode). This property is not in effect when you export the View in Microsoft Excel format in Data-aware export mode. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintFilterInfo Gets or sets whether to display the filter panel in the print/export output. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintFixedColumnsOnEveryPage Gets or sets whether left-fixed columns and bands are repeated on every print/export page. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintFooter Gets or sets whether to display the view footer in the print/export output. Supports WYSIWYG and Data-aware export mode. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintGroupFooter Gets or sets whether to display group footers in the print/export output. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintHeader Gets or sets whether to display column headers in the print/export output. Supports WYSIWYG and Data-aware export mode. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintHorzLines Gets or sets whether horizontal grid lines are printed/exported. Supports WYSIWYG and Data-aware export mode. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintPreview Gets or sets whether to display the preview sections in the print/export output. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintSelectedGroupChildren Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintSelectedRowsOnly Gets or sets whether only the focused/selected rows are printed/exported. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
PrintVertLines Gets or sets whether vertical grid lines are displayed in the print/export output. Supports WYSIWYG and Data-aware export mode. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
RtfPageFooter Gets or sets a page footer, in rich text format. Inherited from ViewPrintOptionsBase.
RtfPageHeader Gets or sets a page header, in rich text format. Inherited from ViewPrintOptionsBase.
RtfReportFooter Gets or sets a document/report footer, in rich text format. Inherited from ViewPrintOptionsBase.
RtfReportHeader Gets or sets a document/report header, in rich text format. Inherited from ViewPrintOptionsBase.
ShowPrintExportProgress Gets or sets whether a separate window is used to indicate print/export progress. Inherited from ViewPrintOptionsBase.
SplitCellPreviewAcrossPages Gets or sets whether preview sections are allowed to be split across pages when printing/exporting. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
SplitDataCellAcrossPages Gets or sets whether data cells are allowed to be split across pages when printing/exporting. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
UsePrintStyles Gets or sets whether print appearances are used when the grid control is printed/exported. Inherited from GridOptionsPrint.
See Also