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MaskProperties Properties

Contains settings that affect the functionality of an editor’s mask.
Name Description
AutoComplete Gets or sets the automatic completion mode used by the editor in the RegEx mask mode.
BeepOnError Gets or sets whether an editor makes a beep sound when an end-user tries to enter an invalid character.
Blank Obsolete. Gets or sets a character representing a placeholder within a masked editor.
Culture Gets or sets the culture whose settings are used by masks.
EditMask Gets or sets a mask expression.
IgnoreMaskBlank For the Simple, Regular and RegEx mask types this property gets or sets whether an editor can lose focus when a value hasn’t been entered.
MaskType Gets or sets the mask type.
PlaceHolder For the Simple, Regular and RegEx mask types this property gets or sets the character used as the placeholder in a masked editor.
SaveLiteral For the Simple and Regular mask types this property gets or sets whether constantly displayed mask characters (literals) are included in an editor’s value.
ShowPlaceHolders For the RegEx mask type this property gets or sets whether placeholders are displayed in a masked editor.
UseMaskAsDisplayFormat Gets or sets whether to use mask settings to format the editor’s display text when the editor is not focused.
See Also