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LookUpColumnInfo(String, String, Int32, FormatType, String, Boolean, HorzAlignment, ColumnSortOrder, DefaultBoolean) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class with the specified settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public LookUpColumnInfo(
    string fieldName,
    string caption,
    int width,
    FormatType formatType,
    string formatString,
    bool visible,
    HorzAlignment alignment,
    ColumnSortOrder sortOrder,
    DefaultBoolean allowSort


Name Type Description
fieldName String

A string representing the field name whose values are displayed in the column. This value is used to initialize the LookUpColumnInfo.FieldName property.

caption String

A string representing the column’s caption. This value is used to initialize the LookUpColumnInfo.Caption property.

width Int32

An integer value specifying the width of the current column. This value is used to initialize the LookUpColumnInfo.Width property.

formatType FormatType

A FormatType value specifying the type of formatting applied when displaying column values. This value is used to initialize the LookUpColumnInfo.FormatType property.

formatString String

A string specifying the pattern used to format column values. This value is used to initialize the LookUpColumnInfo.FormatString property.

visible Boolean

A Boolean value specifying the visibility of the current column. This value is used to initialize the LookUpColumnInfo.Visible property.

alignment HorzAlignment

A HorzAlignment value specifying the horizontal alignment of the column’s values. This value is used to initialize the LookUpColumnInfo.Alignment property.

sortOrder ColumnSortOrder

A ColumnSortOrder value specifying the sort order for the column. This value is used to initialize the LookUpColumnInfo.SortOrder property.

allowSort DefaultBoolean

A DefaultBoolean value that specifies whether data sorting is enabled for the column. This value is used to initialize the LookUpColumnInfo.SortOrder property.


The constructor allows you to create a column for a lookup editor, and initialize all its properties to specified values.

After a column is created, you can add it to the column collection of a lookup editor by using the LookUpColumnInfoCollection.Add method. To access the column collection, see the RepositoryItemLookUpEdit.Columns property.

See Also