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LegendModel Members

The Legend model.


Name Description
Alignment Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
AlignmentHorizontal Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
AlignmentVertical Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
AllowAddChild Gets or sets the value indicating whether a child model item can be added. Inherited from ChartElementModel.
AllowChangeVisibility Gets or sets the value indicating whether changing the element visibility is allowed. Inherited from ChartElementModel.
AllowRemove Gets or sets the value indicating whether removing an element is allowed. Inherited from ChartElementModel.
BackColor Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
BackImage Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
Border Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
ChartElement Returns the modeled chart element. Inherited from ChartElementModel.
Children Returns the list of child chart elements. Inherited from ChartElementModel.
CrosshairContentOffset Gets or sets the Legend.CrosshairContentOffset property value within the model.
CustomItems Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
Direction Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
DockTarget Gets or sets the model of the chart element that is the dock target of the modeled legend.
DXFont Specifies the value of the LegendBase.DXFont property within the model. Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
Element Returns the chart element whose model is the current model object. Inherited from ChartElementModel.
EnableAntialiasing Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
EquallySpacedItems Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
FillStyle Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
HorizontalIndent Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
ItemVisibilityMode Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
Margins Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
MarkerHeight Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
MarkerMode Gets or sets the value of the Legend.MarkerMode property within the chart model.
MarkerOffset Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
MarkerSize Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
MarkerVisible Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
MarkerWidth Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
MaxCrosshairContentHeight Gets or sets the value that specifies the LegendModel.MaxCrosshairContentHeight property within the chart model.
MaxCrosshairContentWidth Gets or sets the value that specifies the LegendModel.MaxCrosshairContentHeight property within the chart model.
MaxHorizontalPercentage Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
MaxVerticalPercentage Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
Name Get or sets the value of the ChartElementNamed.Name within the model. Inherited from ChartElementNamedModel.
Padding Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
Shadow Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
ShowInStructureControl Gets or sets the value specifying whether the chart element should be shown in the Structure control of the Chart Designer. Inherited from ChartElementModel.
Tag Gets or sets the value of the ChartElement.Tag within the model. Inherited from ChartElementModel.
TextColor Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
TextOffset Gets or sets the LegendBase.TextOffset property value within the model. Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
TextVisible Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
Title Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
UseCheckBoxes Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
VerticalIndent Inherited from LegendBaseModel.
Visibility Inherited from LegendBaseModel.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns the textual representation of the ChartElementModel. Inherited from ChartElementModel.
See Also