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WideTile Methods

A large (wide) Tile template for WinRTLiveTileManager Live Tiles.
Name Description
AppendChild(XmlNode) Adds the specified node to the end of the list of child nodes, of this node. Inherited from XmlNode.
Clone() Creates a duplicate of this node. Inherited from XmlNode.
CloneNode(Boolean) Creates a duplicate of this node. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateAttribute(String, String, String) Creates an XmlAttribute with the specified Prefix, LocalName, and NamespaceURI. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateAttribute(String, String) Creates an XmlAttribute with the specified qualified name and NamespaceURI. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateAttribute(String) Creates an XmlAttribute with the specified Name. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateCDataSection(String) Creates an XmlCDataSection containing the specified data. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateComment(String) Creates an XmlComment containing the specified data. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateDefaultAttribute(String, String, String) protected Creates a default attribute with the specified prefix, local name and namespace URI. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateDocumentFragment() Creates an XmlDocumentFragment. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateDocumentType(String, String, String, String) Returns a new XmlDocumentType object. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateElement(String, String, String) Creates an element with the specified Prefix, LocalName, and NamespaceURI. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateElement(String, String) Creates an XmlElement with the qualified name and NamespaceURI. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateElement(String) Creates an element with the specified name. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateEntityReference(String) Creates an XmlEntityReference with the specified name. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateNavigator() Creates a new XPathNavigator object for navigating this document. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateNavigator(XmlNode) protected Creates an XPathNavigator object for navigating this document positioned on the XmlNode specified. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateNode(String, String, String) Creates an XmlNode with the specified node type, Name, and NamespaceURI. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateNode(XmlNodeType, String, String, String) Creates a XmlNode with the specified XmlNodeType, Prefix, Name, and NamespaceURI. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateNode(XmlNodeType, String, String) Creates an XmlNode with the specified XmlNodeType, Name, and NamespaceURI. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateProcessingInstruction(String, String) Creates an XmlProcessingInstruction with the specified name and data. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateSignificantWhitespace(String) Creates an XmlSignificantWhitespace node. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateTextNode(String) Creates an XmlText with the specified text. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateTileWideBlockAndText01(String, String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with 4 text lines on its left, and text block on its right. Text block contains a short string of large bold text above a short string of regular text.
CreateTileWideBlockAndText02(String, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with a text line wrapped over a maximum of 4 lines on its left, and a text block on the right. The text block contains a short string of large bold text above a short string of regular text.
CreateTileWideImage(Image) static Creates a WideTile with a single image that fills the entire Tile.
CreateTileWideImageAndText01(Image, String) static Creates a WideTile with a wide image on top, and a regular text string wrapped over a maximum of 2 lines at the bottom. The WinRTLiveTileManager.ApplicationName for this Live Tile template is not displayed.
CreateTileWideImageAndText02(Image, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with a wide image on top, and a 2 regular text strings at the bottom. Text does not wrap. The WinRTLiveTileManager.ApplicationName for this Live Tile template is not displayed.
CreateTileWideImageCollection(Image, Image, Image, Image, Image) static Creates a WideTile with a square image on the WideTile‘s left and 4 small square images on its right.
CreateTileWidePeekImage01(Image, String, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile with an image on one side and text on the other. The first side contains a wide image. The second side contains a header string in larger text and a regular text string, wrapped over a maximum of 4 lines.
CreateTileWidePeekImage02(Image, String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile with an image on one side and text on the other. The first side contains a wide image. The second side contains a header string in larger text and four regular text strings, arranged in separate lines.
CreateTileWidePeekImage03(Image, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile with an image on the front side and larger text wrapped over a maximum of 3 lines on the back side.
CreateTileWidePeekImage04(Image, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile with a wide image over the entire front side and one string of regular text, wrapped over a maximum of 5 lines on the back side.
CreateTileWidePeekImage05(Image, Image, String, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile. The front side contains one wide image. The back side contains a small square image, bold header and a string of regular text, wrapped over a maximum of 4 lines.
CreateTileWidePeekImage06(Image, Image, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile with a wide image over the entire front side and square image with large header, wrapped over a maximum of 3 lines of text on the back side.
CreateTileWidePeekImageAndText01(Image, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile with a wide image stretched over the front side and a regular text string, wrapped over a maximum of 5 lines on the back side. The WinRTLiveTileManager.ApplicationName is not displayed within this template.
CreateTileWidePeekImageAndText02(Image, String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile with a wide image stretched over the front side and 5 regular text strings on the back side. Text does not wrap. The WinRTLiveTileManager.ApplicationName is not displayed within this template.
CreateTileWidePeekImageCollection01(Image, Image, Image, Image, Image, String, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile. The front side contains one square image on the left and 4 smaller images on the left. The back side contains one string of large text above one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of 4 lines.
CreateTileWidePeekImageCollection02(Image, Image, Image, Image, Image, String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile. The front side contains one square image on the left and 4 smaller images at the left. The back side contains one string of large text above 4 strings of regular text arranged into 4 lines, one above the other. Text does not wrap.
CreateTileWidePeekImageCollection03(Image, Image, Image, Image, Image, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile. The front side contains one square image and 4 smaller images on the left . The back side contains one string of larger text wrapped over a maximum of 3 lines.
CreateTileWidePeekImageCollection04(Image, Image, Image, Image, Image, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile. The front side contains one square image and 4 smaller images on the left . The back side contains one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of 5 lines.
CreateTileWidePeekImageCollection05(Image, Image, Image, Image, Image, Image, String, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile. The front side contains one square image and 4 smaller images on the left . The back side contains one small square image on its left and a larger header over regular text, wrapped over a maximum of 4 lines text at the right.
CreateTileWidePeekImageCollection06(Image, Image, Image, Image, Image, Image, String) static Creates a two-sided WideTile. The front side contains one square image and 4 smaller images on the left . The back side contains one small square image on its left and a larger header, wrapped over a maximum of 3 lines text on the right.
CreateTileWideSmallImageAndText01(Image, String) static Creates a WideTile that displays a small square image on its left and one string of large text, wrapped over maximum of 3 lines.
CreateTileWideSmallImageAndText02(Image, String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with a small square image on its left and one large header above 4 lines of regular unwrapped text on the right.
CreateTileWideSmallImageAndText03(Image, String) static Creates a WideTile with one small square image on its left and one string of regular text, wrapped over a maximum of 5 lines.
CreateTileWideSmallImageAndText04(Image, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with a small square image on its left and a large header above regular text, wrapped over a maximum of 4 lines of text on the right.
CreateTileWideSmallImageAndText05(Image, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with a large header above regular text, wrapped over a maximum of 4 lines of text on its left, and a small image with a dimension 3:4 on its right.
CreateTileWideText01(String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with one header string in larger text on the first line and 4 strings of regular text on the 4 lines below. Text does not wrap.
CreateTileWideText02(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with a header string in larger text over 8 short strings arranged in 2 columns, 4 lines in each. Columns have the same width.
CreateTileWideText03(String) static Creates a WideTile with one string of large text wrapped over a maximum of three lines.
CreateTileWideText04(String) static Creates a WideTile with one single string of regular text, wrapped over a maximum of 5 lines.
CreateTileWideText05(String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with 5 strings of regular text, arranged in 5 lines. Text does not wrap.
CreateTileWideText06(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with 10 shorts strings of regular text, arranged into 2 equal columns of 5 lines each.
CreateTileWideText07(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with one header string in larger text over eight short strings of regular text arranged in 2 columns of 4 lines each. Left column is fairly narrow, right column is wider.
CreateTileWideText08(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) static Creates a WideTile with two unequal columns, each containing 5 text lines. Left column is fairly narrow, right column is wider.
CreateTileWideText09(String, String) static Creates a WideTile with one header string in larger text over one string in regular text, wrapped over a maximum of 4 lines.
CreateTileWideText10(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) static A WideTile with a header string in larger text and 2 unequal columns, each containing 4 text lines. The left column is narrower than the right column.
CreateTileWideText11(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) static A WideTile with 10 short text lines, arranged into 2 unequal columns. The left column is much narrower than the right column.
CreateWhitespace(String) Creates an XmlWhitespace node. Inherited from XmlDocument.
CreateXmlDeclaration(String, String, String) Creates an XmlDeclaration node with the specified values. Inherited from XmlDocument.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetElementById(String) Gets the XmlElement with the specified ID. Inherited from XmlDocument.
GetElementsByTagName(String, String) Returns an XmlNodeList containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified LocalName and NamespaceURI. Inherited from XmlDocument.
GetElementsByTagName(String) Returns an XmlNodeList containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified Name. Inherited from XmlDocument.
GetEnumerator() Gets an enumerator that iterates through the child nodes in the current node. Inherited from XmlNode.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetNamespaceOfPrefix(String) Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given prefix that is in scope for the current node and returns the namespace URI in the declaration. Inherited from XmlNode.
GetPrefixOfNamespace(String) Looks up the closest xmlns declaration for the given namespace URI that is in scope for the current node and returns the prefix defined in that declaration. Inherited from XmlNode.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
ImportNode(XmlNode, Boolean) Imports a node from another document to the current document. Inherited from XmlDocument.
InsertAfter(XmlNode, XmlNode) Inserts the specified node immediately after the specified reference node. Inherited from XmlNode.
InsertBefore(XmlNode, XmlNode) Inserts the specified node immediately before the specified reference node. Inherited from XmlNode.
Load(Stream) Loads the XML document from the specified stream. Inherited from XmlDocument.
Load(TextReader) Loads the XML document from the specified TextReader. Inherited from XmlDocument.
Load(String) Loads the XML document from the specified URL. Inherited from XmlDocument.
Load(XmlReader) Loads the XML document from the specified XmlReader. Inherited from XmlDocument.
LoadXml(String) Loads the XML document from the specified string. Inherited from XmlDocument.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Normalize() Puts all XmlText nodes in the full depth of the sub-tree underneath this XmlNode into a “normal” form where only markup (that is, tags, comments, processing instructions, CDATA sections, and entity references) separates XmlText nodes, that is, there are no adjacent XmlText nodes. Inherited from XmlNode.
PrependChild(XmlNode) Adds the specified node to the beginning of the list of child nodes for this node. Inherited from XmlNode.
ReadNode(XmlReader) Creates an XmlNode object based on the information in the XmlReader. The reader must be positioned on a node or attribute. Inherited from XmlDocument.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemoveAll() Removes all the child nodes and/or attributes of the current node. Inherited from XmlNode.
RemoveChild(XmlNode) Removes specified child node. Inherited from XmlNode.
ReplaceChild(XmlNode, XmlNode) Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild node. Inherited from XmlNode.
Save(Stream) Saves the XML document to the specified stream. Inherited from XmlDocument.
Save(TextWriter) Saves the XML document to the specified TextWriter. Inherited from XmlDocument.
Save(String) Saves the XML document to the specified file. If the specified file exists, this method overwrites it. Inherited from XmlDocument.
Save(XmlWriter) Saves the XML document to the specified XmlWriter. Inherited from XmlDocument.
SelectNodes(String, XmlNamespaceManager) Selects a list of nodes matching the XPath expression. Any prefixes found in the XPath expression are resolved using the supplied XmlNamespaceManager. Inherited from XmlNode.
SelectNodes(String) Selects a list of nodes matching the XPath expression. Inherited from XmlNode.
SelectSingleNode(String, XmlNamespaceManager) Selects the first XmlNode that matches the XPath expression. Any prefixes found in the XPath expression are resolved using the supplied XmlNamespaceManager. Inherited from XmlNode.
SelectSingleNode(String) Selects the first XmlNode that matches the XPath expression. Inherited from XmlNode.
Supports(String, String) Tests if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature. Inherited from XmlNode.
IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() For a description of this member, see GetEnumerator(). Inherited from XmlNode.
ICloneable.Clone() For a description of this member, see Clone(). Inherited from XmlNode.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
Validate(ValidationEventHandler, XmlNode) Validates the XmlNode object specified against the XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schemas in the Schemas property. Inherited from XmlDocument.
Validate(ValidationEventHandler) Validates the XmlDocument against the XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schemas contained in the Schemas property. Inherited from XmlDocument.
WriteContentTo(XmlWriter) Saves all the children of the XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter. Inherited from XmlDocument.
WriteTo(XmlWriter) Saves the XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter. Inherited from XmlDocument.
See Also