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ToastNotification Constructors

A toast notification.
Name Parameters Description
ToastNotification() none Initializes a new instance of the ToastNotification class with the default settings.
ToastNotification(Object, Image, String, Image, String, Image, String, String, String, String, String, ToastNotificationSound, ToastNotificationDuration, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, AppLogoCrop, ToastNotificationTemplate) id, image, imagePath, appLogoImage, appLogoImagePath, heroImage, heroImagePath, header, body, body2, attributionText, sound, duration, displayTimestamp, appLogoImageCrop, template Initializes a new toast notification and specifies its content that matches the Generic template.
ToastNotification(Object, Image, String, String, String, ToastNotificationSound, ToastNotificationDuration, ToastNotificationTemplate) id, image, header, body, body2, sound, duration, template Initializes a new instance of the ToastNotification class with the specified settings.
ToastNotification(Object, Image, String, String, String, ToastNotificationTemplate) id, image, header, body, body2, template Initializes a new instance of the ToastNotification class with the specified settings.
ToastNotification(Object, Image, String, String, String, String, ToastNotificationSound, ToastNotificationDuration, ToastNotificationTemplate) id, image, imagePath, header, body, body2, sound, duration, template Initializes a new instance of the ToastNotification class with the specified settings.
ToastNotification(Object, Image, String, String, String, String, ToastNotificationTemplate) id, image, imagePath, header, body, body2, template Initializes a new instance of the ToastNotification class with the specified settings.
See Also