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BarAndDockingController.DragCursors Property

Gets an array of cursors that can be used for drag operations on links.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v19.2.dll


public virtual ArrayList DragCursors { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

An ArrayList of Cursor objects.


If a bar’s BarOptions.DisableCustomization property is set to false, an end-user can customize links within the bar (move and copy between bars, add from the Customization Window, resize edit links) using drag-and-drop operations. This functionality is enabled if the Customization Window is opened or if the ALT key is pressed while dragging links.

The DragCursors property specifies an array of cursors for different states of drag-and-drop operations. The default images are presented in the following table. You can replace any image if the default one does not suit your needs.

Element Index Image Description
0 Bars3_DragCursor_0 Indicates that the link being dragged can be dropped at the current position
1 Bars3_DragCursor_1 Indicates that a copy of the link will be created if it is dropped at the current position. The user can press the CTRL key while dragging links to copy them instead of moving them to a new position.
2 Bars3_DragCursor_2 Indicates that the link cannot be dropped.
3 Bars3_DragCursor_3 Indicates that the link can be resized.

The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the DragCursors property.


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See Also