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DevExpress.Utils Namespace

Contains utility classes used by DevExpress controls and components.

Assembly: DevExpress.Utils.v17.2.dll


Name Description
AppearanceObject Represents an appearance object.
AppearanceObjectEx Represents an appearance object with extended settings.
AppearanceOptions Provides appearance options.
AppearanceOptionsEx Provides appearance options.
BaseAppearanceCollection Serves as a base for the classes that provide the appearance settings used to paint DevExpress .NET controls.
CheckContextButton A context button displaying a check box that can be checked by an end-user.
ContextButton A regular context button that can be clicked.
ContextButtonBase A base class for context buttons.
ContextItem The base class for the context buttons.
DefaultToolTipController Manages tooltips for all DevExpress controls.
DPIAwareImageCollection Storage that serves as an external icon source for DevExpress controls. Automatically replaces default images with their larger counterparts at higher DPI settings.
DXMouseEventArgs Provides data for mouse events.
FlyoutPanel The floating panel that is displayed and hidden using an animation effect. See Flyout Panel.
FlyoutPanelButtonOptions Contains miscellaneous settings applied to a FlyoutPanel‘s built-in button panel.
FlyoutPanelOptions Contains view and behavior options for a FlyoutPanel.
HideException Prevents default actions when handling specific events.

The collection of Image objects to be used within DevExpress controls. The ImageCollection is also used as a part of the SharedImageCollection component.

Images Represents a collection of Image objects.
KeyShortcut A class used by various controls to provide shortcut keys.
MagnifierDialog static The Magnifier that allows users to pick colors from anywhere around the screen.
MagnifierDialogArgs Provides settings that allow you to invoke the MagnifierDialog with specific settings.
RatingContextButton A context button that allows an end-user to rate the content using the grading scale.
SharedImageCollection The image collection that allows you to share images between controls within multiple forms.
SuperToolTip Represents a tooltip that supports multiple text and image regions.
SvgImageCollection Stores vector images added by you and provides these images to DevExpress controls.
TextOptions Contains options that specify how text is rendered.
ThumbnailImageEventArgs Provides data for events that maintain the Asynchronous Image Load feature.
ToolTipControlInfo Contains tooltip information.
ToolTipController Provides tooltip management for individual controls.
ToolTipControllerCalcSizeEventArgs Provides data for the ToolTipController.CalcSize event.
ToolTipControllerCustomDrawEventArgs Provides data for the ToolTipController.CustomDraw event.
ToolTipControllerEventArgsBase The base class for classes providing data for ToolTipController‘s events.
ToolTipControllerGetActiveObjectInfoEventArgs Provides data for the ToolTipController.GetActiveObjectInfo event.
ToolTipControllerShowEventArgs Provides data for the ToolTipController.BeforeShow event.
ToolTipItem A regular tooltip item in a SuperToolTip that displays text and/or an image.
TrackBarContextButton A scrollable context item.
WorkspaceManager Manages layouts of all DevExpress controls in the application as one global workspace. Workspaces can be saved and restored to (from) a local storage or stream.


Name Description
MagnifierDialogResult An object that stores colors chosen by a user in the MagnifierDialog and the Magnifier’s last remembered zoom level.


Name Description
ToolTipControllerBeforeShowEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the ToolTipController.BeforeShow event.
ToolTipControllerCalcSizeEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the ToolTipController.CalcSize event.
ToolTipControllerCustomDrawEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the ToolTipController.CustomDraw event.
ToolTipControllerGetActiveObjectInfoEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the ToolTipController.GetActiveObjectInfo event.


Name Description
EditorShowMode Contains values that specify how an in-place editor is activated for a cell in a container control.
GroupElementLocation Contains values that specify how an element is displayed relative to a text label within a group control.
HKeyPrefix Provides values that indicate different ways to interpret an ampersand character (&) in item captions.
Locations Contains values that specify how a specific element is positioned relative to another element.
SharedImageCollectionImageSizeMode The enumeration specifies the size of images being displayed within an object, when images are obtained from a SharedImageCollection.
ToolTipIconSize Specifies the size of a predefined icon displayed within a tooltip.
ToolTipIconType Lists values specifying icon types to be displayed within tooltips.
ToolTipLocation Specifies the location where a tooltip is displayed in relation to the mouse cursor position.
ToolTipStyle Enumerates paint styles for tooltips.
ToolTipType Enumerates tooltip types that are supported by controls.
Trimming List values that specify how the characters in a string that do not completely fit into a layout shape are trimmed.
XPThemeSupport Contains values specifying whether bound controls is drawn using XP style.