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Axis Labels

  • 6 minutes to read

The Chart Control can display default and custom axis labels.


The Chart Control can hide its elements if there is insufficient space to display them. Elements are hidden in the following order:

  1. Legends
  2. Axis Titles
  3. Series Titles
  4. Pane Titles
  5. Axes
  6. Chart Title
  7. Breadcrumbs

To make the Chart Control always display its elements, disable the ChartControl.AutoLayout property.

Default Axis Labels

The default axis labels display values for major tickmarks of diagram axes. The Chart Control generates them based on series data.


You can organize qualitative axis labels in a custom order. Refer to the following help topic for more information: QualitativeScaleComparer.

Custom Axis Labels

You can create custom axis labels and modify their position and content. The following image shows an X-axis’s custom label:


The Axis2D.CustomLabels property contains the custom axis label collection. If the collection does not contain any visible custom labels, the default axis labels are shown. Set the Axis2D.LabelVisibilityMode property to AutoGeneratedAndCustom to display custom and default labels simultaneously.

To add custom labels at design time, follow the steps below:

The following example adds a custom label at runtime:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)chartControl.Diagram;
    AxisX axisX = diagram.AxisX;
    // Add a custom label to the X-axis.
    axisX.CustomLabels.Add(new CustomAxisLabel(name: "State of Michigan", value: "Michigan") {
        TextColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 74, 74, 74),
        BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 225, 225, 225)
    // Make defaul and custom labels visible.
    axisX.LabelVisibilityMode = AxisLabelVisibilityMode.AutoGeneratedAndCustom;


Radar and Polar diagrams do not support custom axis labels. You can handle the ChartControl.CustomDrawAxisLabel event to change the axis label text at runtime.

Format Default Label Text

You can use the SeriesLabelBase.TextPattern property to format the text of default axis labels. The TextPattern property can contain predefined placeholders, format specifiers and plain text.

The following table lists available placeholders:

Pattern Description
{A} Displays series point arguments (only for argument axes).
{V} Displays series point values (only for value axes).
{VP} Displays series point values as a percentage (only for value axes).

At runtime

The example below specifies text patterns for X-axis and Y-axis labels:

Axis label text pattern

AxisLabel axisXLabel = ((XYDiagram)chartControl.Diagram).AxisX.Label;
AxisLabel axisYLabel = ((XYDiagram)chartControl.Diagram).AxisY.Label;

axisXLabel.TextPattern = "{A:dd-MM HH:mm}";
axisYLabel.TextPattern = "{V} °F";

At Design Time

Use the Pattern Editor to specify a text pattern at design time. Click the ellipsis button of the Label.TextPattern property in the Properties window to invoke the editor.

Pattern Editor

You can also specify the AxisLabel.Formatter property to generate text strings for axis labels based on a custom condition or change an order of magnitude of axis label values. If the Formatter property is specified, the AxisLabel.TextPattern value is ignored.

This example applies a custom format to numeric axis labels:

private void OnFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram;
    AxisLabelFormatter formatter = new AxisLabelFormatter();
    diagram.AxisX.Label.Formatter = formatter;
    diagram.AxisY.Label.Formatter = formatter;
public class AxisLabelFormatter : IAxisLabelFormatter {
    public string GetAxisLabelText(object axisValue) {
        return Convert.ToString((double)axisValue / 1000);

Resolve Axis Label Overlap

The Chart Control includes the Resolve Overlap algorithm that rotates, staggers, and hides axis labels when they cannot display the entire text due to lack of space. You can use the Resolve Overlap options to configure this algorithm. The image below shows a chart with these options disabled:


The following animation shows how the Resolve Overlap algorithm works:


Use the AxisLabel.ResolveOverlappingOptions property to access the AxisLabelResolveOverlappingOptions object and configure it at design time.


The example below specifies the ResolveOverlappingOptions at runtime:

AxisLabel axisLabel = ((XYDiagram)chartControl.Diagram).AxisX.Label;

axisLabel.ResolveOverlappingOptions.AllowHide = false;
axisLabel.ResolveOverlappingOptions.AllowRotate = false;
axisLabel.ResolveOverlappingOptions.AllowStagger = false;
axisLabel.ResolveOverlappingOptions.MinIndent = 5;   

Related API Members:

Member Description
AxisLabelResolveOverlappingOptions.AllowHide Indicates whether the Chart Control can hide axis labels when resolves the label’s overlap.
AxisLabelResolveOverlappingOptions.AllowRotate Indicates whether the Chart Control can rotate axis labels when resolves the label’s overlap.
AxisLabelResolveOverlappingOptions.AllowStagger Indicates whether the Chart Control can stagger axis labels when resolves the label’s overlap.
AxisLabelResolveOverlappingOptions.MinIndent Specifies the minimum indent between axis labels when the Resolve Overlap algorithm is applied to them.

The AllowRotate and AllowStagger properties only affect labels of a horizontal XY-Diagram axis (the argument X-axis or the value Y-axis when XYDiagram.Rotated is set to true).

Customize Label Appearance

Axis Label Properties

You can change the text color, background color, border settings, font, and orientation of axis labels. The Chart Control applies appearance settings to both default and custom axis labels. The following appearance customization properties are available:

Use the Axis2D.Label property to access these settings.

The example below changes appearance settings of default and custom axis labels:

Appearance settings of default and custom axis labels

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)chartControl.Diagram;
    AxisX axisX = diagram.AxisX;
    // Add a custom label to the X-axis.
    axisX.CustomLabels.Add(new CustomAxisLabel(name: "State of Michigan", value: "Michigan") {
    // Make default and custom labels visible.
    axisX.LabelVisibilityMode = AxisLabelVisibilityMode.AutoGeneratedAndCustom;

    axisX.Label.Angle = -90;

    axisX.Label.EnableAntialiasing = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;
    axisX.Label.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
    axisX.Label.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

    axisX.Label.Border.Visibility = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;
    axisX.Label.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.DarkSlateGray;
    axisX.Label.Border.Thickness = 1;

    axisX.Label.FillStyle.FillMode = FillMode.Solid;
    axisX.Label.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;

The CustomDrawAxisLabel Event

You can handle the ChartControl.CustomDrawAxisLabel event to customize an individual (default or custom) axis label. See the following example for more information: How to: Individually Customize Axis Labels.

See Also