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Assign Editors to Columns

  • 4 minutes to read

This topic explains how to assign DevExpress Editors to TreeList columns.

Watch Video: How To Assign Editors To TreeList Columns in Code


DevExpress WinForms Data Grid, TreeList, Pivot Grid, and Vertical Grid use a similar approach and API to use custom editors instead of default cell editors. Read the following topic to learn more: Cell Values, Editors, and Validation - WinForms Data Grid.

Default Cell Editors

TreeList columns use data editors to display and edit data. Columns automatically create editors depending on the type of data they display. For example, a column that displays date-time values uses the DateEdit.

Data Type Default Editor and Repository Item
String TextEdit, RepositoryItemTextEdit
Numeric SpinEdit, RepositoryItemSpinEdit
Boolean CheckEdit, RepositoryItemCheckEdit
Date-Time DateEdit, RepositoryItemDateEdit
DateTimeOffset DateTimeOffsetEdit, RepositoryItemDateTimeOffsetEdit
TimeSpan TimeEdit, RepositoryItemTimeEdit
Enumeration ComboBoxEdit, RepositoryItemComboBox
Picture/Image PictureEdit, RepositoryItemPictureEdit

Assign Cell Editors to Columns at Design Time

Invoke a column’s smart tag menu and use the TreeListColumn.ColumnEdit property’s dropdown to create a new editor or choose an existing editor.

WinForms TreeList - Column Edit Smart Tag

You can also run the TreeList Designer and open its In-place Editor Repository page to access all in-place editors. You can add, customize, and remove repository items.

WinForms TreeList - Repository Items Designer

Create Cell Editors and Assign Them to Columns in Code

Create a repository item, add it to the TreeList’s RepositoryItems collection, and assign the repository item to the TreeListColumn.ColumnEdit property.

using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository;

public Form1() {
    treeList1.RootValue = 0;
    // Binds the TreeList to a data source.
    treeList1.DataSource = Order.InitData();
    // Forces the TreeList to initialize its settings.
    // Creates a 'ToggleSwitch' repository item.
    RepositoryItemToggleSwitch toggleSwitch = new RepositoryItemToggleSwitch();
    // Adds the repository item to the TreeList's RepositoryItems collection.
    // Assigns the repository item to the 'Delivered' column.
    treeList1.Columns["Delivered"].ColumnEdit = toggleSwitch;

public class Order {
    int fid;
    public Order(int id) {
        this.fid = id;
    public int ID { get { return this.fid; } }
    public int ParentID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; }
    public double Price { get; set; }
    public bool Delivered { get; set; }
    static public List<Order> InitData() {
        return new List<Order> {
            new Order(0){ ParentID = 0, Name = "Order A", OrderDate = DateTime.Today, Price = 199.99, Delivered = false },
            new Order(1){ ParentID = 0, Name = "Order B", OrderDate = DateTime.Today, Price = 219.99, Delivered = false },
            new Order(2){ ParentID = 1, Name = "Order C", OrderDate = DateTime.Today, Price = 549.99, Delivered = true },
            new Order(3){ ParentID = 1, Name = "Order D", OrderDate = DateTime.Today, Price = 889.99, Delivered = false }

The image below shows the result:

WinForms TreeList - Create Repository Items in Code

See Also