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Lesson 2 - Create a Simple Scheduling Application with DateNavigator

  • 2 minutes to read

This document describes how to quickly create a simple scheduling application with a control for navigating dates, and start working with a SchedulerControl in unbound mode. You can do this by creating a new project and adding the required controls (SplitContainerControl, SchedulerControl and DateNavigator) from the toolbox, or by using Visual Studio project templates accessed via the wizard, invoked when creating a new project.

The DateNavigator control delivers the Microsoft® Outlook® style to your scheduling application interface. It allows end-users to navigate through dates within SchedulerControl, and switches the scheduler view to the most appropriate display type, to show the selected date interval.

Create a Scheduling Application with Date Navigator

  1. Create a new project in Microsoft Visual Studio and drop the SplitContainerControl item from the DX.17.2: Navigation & Layout toolbox tab to the form. Stretch the control to fill the form by setting its Dock property to Fill. Set the FixedPanel property to Panel2 (right panel), and the SplitterPosition property to 215.


  2. Drop the SchedulerControl item from the DX.17.2: Scheduling toolbox tab to the left panel of the SplitterContainer. Set the SchedulerControl.Dock property to Fill (You can click the Dock in Parent Container link in the smart tag to achieve the same result). This will stretch the SchedulerControl to fill the panel.


  3. Drop the DateNavigator item from the DX.17.2: Scheduling toolbox tab to the right panel. The DateNavigator binds itself to the SchedulerControl automatically, when placed on a form containing a SchedulerControl. Set the DateNavigator.Dock property to Fill.


  4. As a result, you will have an application with a scheduler in unbound mode, and a date navigator that provides intuitive access to specific time frames. Any selection made in the date navigator is synchronized with the scheduler.
