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LinearScaleLabelOptions Properties
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Contains behavior, layout and data representation options for linear scale labels.
Name Description
Addend Gets or sets a value that should be added to every label’s value. Inherited from ScaleLabelOptions.
FormatString Gets or sets a value that specifies the format string for the display text on a scale. Inherited from ScaleLabelOptions.
Multiplier Gets or sets a value by which every label’s value should be multiplied. Inherited from ScaleLabelOptions.
Offset Gets or sets the offset specifying a label’s position on a scale. Inherited from ScaleLabelOptions.
Orientation Provides different types of orientation for labels on the Linear scale.
ShowFirst Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the first label should be shown on a scale. Inherited from ScaleLabelOptions.
ShowLast Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the last label should be shown on a scale. Inherited from ScaleLabelOptions.
ZIndex Gets or sets the z-index of scale labels. Inherited from ScaleLabelOptions.
See Also