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DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Map Namespace

Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the Map Control.

Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Map.v20.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls


Name Description
BingMapDataProvider The class that loads map images from the Bing Maps data provider.
BingMapTileSource The class that implements loading image tiles from the Bing Maps data provider.
CacheOptions Contains settings that define parameters of a local cache to store image tiles.
ChoroplethColorizer Represents the Choropleth-like colorizer.
ColorCollection A collection of colors.
ColorizerBase<T> The base class for all colorizers.
ColorizerRangeDistributionBase The base for classes that define distribution of color ranges in a colorizer.
ColorizerValueProviderBase The base class for all colorizer value providers.
ColorLegend The base class for all color legends.
ColorListLegend A color legend represented as a list of colors.
ColorScaleLegend A color legend represented as a color scale.
EllipticalMercatorProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Elliptical Mercator Projection.
EqualAreaProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Equal Area Projection.
EquationRangeDistribution The base for classes that define exponential and logarithmic distribution of color ranges in a colorizer.
EquirectangularProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Equirectangular Projection.
ExponentialRangeDistribution Represents the exponential distribution of color ranges in a colorizer.
GeoPoint A geographical point on the map.
GeoPointCollection A collection of geo points.
GraphColorizer Represents the Graph colorizer that tries to paint shapes that have a common border using different colors.
ImageTilesLayer A layer that displays image tiles obtained from one of the supported map providers.
KmlReader Provides functionality to load shape data from an external file in the KML format.
LayerBase Serves as the base class for all layers.
LayerCollection A collection of layers.
LayerMapItemCollection A collection of map items within a layer.
LinearRangeDistribution Represents the linear distribution of color ranges in a colorizer.
LogarithmicRangeDistribution Represents the logarithmic distribution of color ranges in a colorizer.
MapColorizer The base class for all colorizers that are used in a Map control.
MapControl A Map control to display raster and vector maps.
MapCustomElement The class used to draw any custom element on a map.
MapDataProviderBase The base class for all data providers.
MapDependencyObject Enables WinRT property system services for its derived model classes.
MapDot The class used to draw a dot on a map.
MapElement The base class for different map elements (e.g., layers).
MapElementCollection<T> A collection of map elements.
MapEllipse The class used to draw an ellipse on a map.
MapFileReaderBase The base for classes that provide functionality to load shape data from an external file.
MapFileSourceBase The base class for all file sources.
MapHttpFileSource Represents a source that loads a file using the Http URL.
MapItem The base class for different map items.
MapItemAttribute An attribute that can be applied to map items.
MapItemAttributeCollection A collection of attributes for an individual map item.
MapItemCollection A collection of map items.
MapItemEventArgs Provides data for the VectorFileLayer.MapItemLoaded event.
MapItemsLayerBase The base class for layers that display map items.
MapLine The class used to draw a line on a map.
MapPackageFileSource Represents a source that loads a file from a package.
MapPath The class used to draw a path on a map.
MapPolygon The class used to draw a polygon on a map.
MapPolyline The class used to draw a polyline on a map.
MapPushpin The class used to draw a pushpin on a map.
MapRectangle The class used to draw a rectangle on a map.
MapShape The class used to draw a shape on a map.
MapStorageFileSource Represents a source that loads a file from storage on a disk.
MapTileSourceBase The base for all classes that can load image tiles from external map data providers.
MapVisualItem The base class for visual map items.
MillerProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Miller Projection.
MultiScaleTileSource The class that provides functionality to load image tiles for different zoom scales from an external image tile source.
NavigationPanelOptions Contains options that define the appearance, position and layout of the Navigation Panel element.
OpenStreetMapDataProvider The class that loads map images from a web resource that provides data in the OpenStreetMap format.
OpenStreetMapTileSource The class that implements loading image tiles from the OpenStreetMap data provider.
ProjectionBase The base class for all projections used in the MapControl.
ShapeAttributeValueProvider The class that is used to obtain an attribute from a shape file source (Shapefile or KML file) that is applied to shape items.
ShapefileReader Provides functionality to load shape data from an external file in the Shapefiles format.
SphericalMercatorProjection A class that defines methods specific to the Spherical Mercator Projection.
ToolTipInfo Contains settings that define the appearance and behavior of built-in map tooltips.
VectorFileLayer A layer that displays vector elements loaded from a file (e.g., Shapefile or KML).
VectorItemsLayer A layer that displays a collection of vector elements.
VectorLayer The base class for layers that contain various vector elements (e.g., lines, circles, polygons, or elements loaded from shape data files).
ViewportChangedEventArgs Provides data for the LayerBase.ViewportChanged event.


Name Description
IColorizerValueProvider If implemented by a class, defines methods that provide values for a colorizer.


Name Description
MapUnit A class that contains a location in internal map units.


Name Description
MapItemEventHandler A method that will handle the VectorFileLayer.MapItemLoaded event.
ViewportChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the LayerBase.ViewportChanged event.


Name Description
BingMapKind Lists the values used to specify the kind of maps to be obtained from the BingMapDataProvider.
MapDotShapeKind Lists the values used to specify the shape of map dots.
NavigationPanelLocation Lists the values used to specify the location of a Navigation Panel.
StorageFolderType Lists the values used to specify the type of a folder to store map files (e.g., images or other resources).