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SchedulerCommands Properties

Provides access to Scheduler commands.
Name Description
CancelDropAppointmentsCommand Gets or sets a command used to cancel a drag-and-drop operation.
CanFreeze Gets a value that indicates whether the object can be made unmodifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
ChangeGroupTypeCommand Gets or sets a command used to change the SchedulerControl.GroupType value.
ChangeLabelCommand Gets or sets a command used to change the AppointmentItem.LabelId value.
ChangeReminderTimeBeforeStartCommand Gets or sets a command used to change the ReminderItem.TimeBeforeStart value of the reminder associated with the current appointment.
ChangeSnapToCellsModeCommand Gets or sets a command used to change the current view’s SnapToCells mode.
ChangeStatusCommand Gets or sets a command used to change the AppointmentItem.StatusId value.
ChangeTimeScaleCommand Gets or sets a command used to change the view’s DayViewBase.TimeScale value.
CopyAppointmentsOnDropCommand Gets or sets a command used to copy a dragged appointment to the drop target.
CopyToClipboardCommand Gets or sets a command used to copy selected appointments to the clipboard.
CustomizeTimeRulerCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the TimeRuler Window when the mouse hovers over the time ruler.
CutToClipboardCommand Gets or sets a command used to cut selected appointments to the clipboard.
DeleteAppointmentCommand Gets or sets a command used to delete the selected appointment.
DeleteAppointmentsCommand Gets or sets a command used to delete selected appointments.
DependencyObjectType Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. Inherited from DependencyObject.
Dispatcher Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with. Inherited from DispatcherObject.
GoToDateCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Go to Date Window.
GoToTodayCommand Gets or sets a command used to set the SchedulerControl.Start property to the current date.
IsFrozen Gets a value that indicates whether the object is currently modifiable. Inherited from Freezable.
IsSealed Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). Inherited from DependencyObject.
MoveAppointmentsOnDropCommand Gets or sets a command used to move a dragged appointment to the drop target.
NavigateViewBackwardCommand Gets or sets a command that executes the active view’s NavigateBackward method.
NavigateViewForwardCommand Gets or sets a command that executes the active view’s NavigateForward method.
OpenRecurrenceWindowCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Recurrence Window for the selected appointment.
PasteFromClipboardCommand Gets or sets a command used to paste appointments from the clipboard.
RestoreOccurrenceCommand Gets or sets a command used to call the selected appointment’s AppointmentItem.RestoreOccurrence method.
SaveNewAppointmentCommand Gets or sets a command used to add the specified appointment to the scheduler’s appointment collection.
SelectNextAppointmentCommand Gets or sets a command used to move selection to the next appointment.
SelectPrevAppointmentCommand Gets or sets a command used to move selection to the previous appointment.
ShowAppointmentWindowCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Appointment Window for the selected appointment.
ShowEditRecurrencePatternWindowCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Appointment Window for the recurrence pattern of the selected appointment.
ShowNewAllDayAppointmentWindowCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Appointment Window for the new all-day appointment.
ShowNewAppointmentWindowCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Appointment Window for the new appointment.
ShowNewRecurringAllDayAppointmentWindowCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Appointment Window and Recurrence Window for the new all-day recurring appointment.
ShowNewRecurringAppointmentWindowCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Appointment Window and Recurrence Window for the new recurring appointment.
ShowPrintPreviewCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Print Preview window.
ShowPrintPreviewDialogCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Print Preview dialog.
ShowRemindersWindowCommand Gets or sets a command used to invoke the Reminders Window.
SwitchViewCommand Gets or sets a command used to switch the active view to the first view in a collection which has the specified type.
ViewZoomInCommand Gets or sets a command that decreases the time interval displayed in the scheduler so that it can be examined closely.
ViewZoomOutCommand Gets or sets a command that increases the time interval displayed in the scheduler for a less detailed view.
See Also