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AppointmentItem Members

An appointment in the Scheduler.


Name Description
AppointmentItem() Initializes a new instance of the AppointmentItem class with the default settings.
AppointmentItem(AppointmentType) Initializes a new instance of the AppointmentItem class with the specified settings.


Name Description
AllDay Gets or sets whether the current appointment lasts the entire day (or several days). Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
CustomFields Inherited from SourceObjectContainer.
Description Gets or sets the text for the appointment’s description.
Duration Gets the appointment’s duration. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
End Gets or sets the appointment’s end date and time. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
HasExceptions Obsolete. Gets whether the current pattern appointment has changed or deleted occurrences in the recurring series.
HasReminder Indicates whether the appointment has a reminder.
Id Gets the object’s identifier. Inherited from SourceObjectContainer.
Interval Returns the normalized duration based on the Start and End values. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
IsBase Gets whether the appointment is a base (of the Normal or Pattern type).
IsDisposed Gets whether the current object has been disposed of.
IsException Gets whether the appointment is an exception (of the ChangedOccurrence or DeletedOccurrence type).
IsOccurrence Gets whether the appointment is an occurrence in a recurring series (of the Occurrence, ChangedOccurrence or DeletedOccurrence type).
IsRecurring Gets whether the appointment belongs to a recurring series.
LabelId Gets or sets the identifier of the label object associated with the appointment.
Location Gets or sets the text that specifies the place where the appointment is scheduled.
LongerThanADay Gets whether the appointment’s length is equal to or greater than one day.
QueryEnd Gets the normalized appointment end value which is recommended for use in interval-based appointment data source queries. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
QueryStart Gets the normalized appointment start value which is recommended for use in interval-based appointment data source queries. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
RecurrenceIndex Gets the appointment index in the recurring series. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
RecurrenceInfo Gets or sets information that defines an appointment’s recurrence rule. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
RecurrenceInfoId Returns the identifier of the recurrence info. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
RecurrencePattern Obsolete. Gets the pattern appointment for the current appointment.
Reminder Gets a reminder associated with the current appointment (the collection’s first reminder, if there are several reminders).
Reminders Returns the collection of reminders for the appointment.
ResourceId Gets or sets the identifier of the associated resource, or the first resource identifier if an appointment has several assigned resources. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
ResourceIds Provides access to the collection of identifiers of the associated resources. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
SameDay Gets whether the appointment’s start and end times are on the same day.
SourceObject Provides access to the data object bound to the current persistent instance. Inherited from SourceObjectContainer.
Start Gets or sets the start date and time of the appointment. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
StatusId Gets or sets the unique identifier of the status object associated with the appointment.
Subject Gets or sets the appointment’s subject text.
TimeZoneId Gets or sets the appointment time zone. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
Type Gets or sets the type of an appointment.


Name Description
Assign(AppointmentItem) Copies all settings from the object passed as the parameter to the current object.
CreateException(AppointmentType, Int32) Obsolete. Creates an appointment that is an exception in a recurring series.
CreateNewReminder() Creates a reminder for the specified appointment.
DeleteExceptions() Obsolete. Removes changed and deleted occurrences in the recurring series.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FindException(Int32) Obsolete. Returns an appointment that is an exception in the recurring series at the specified index.
GetExceptions() Obsolete. Returns a collection of the changed and deleted occurrences for the current pattern appointment.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetOccurrence(Int32) Obsolete. Gets an occurrence at the specified position within a series of recurring appointments.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
HasEmptyResource() Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
HasResource(Object) Indicates whether the item is associated with the specified resource. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Refresh() Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
RestoreOccurrence() Replaces an exception in a recurring series with a regular occurrence.
SetExceptionRecurrenceIndex(Int32) Obsolete. Sets recurrence index to the appointment exception.
SetExceptionRecurrencePattern(AppointmentItem) Obsolete. Specifies a recurrence pattern for the appointment exception.
SetPatternReference(AppointmentItem, Int32) Sets recurrence index to the appointment.
SetPatternReference(Object, Int32) Sets the recurrence index to the appointment. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
SetRecurrenceInfo(IRecurrenceInfo) Sets the specified IRecurrenceInfo object as the RecurrenceInfo property value.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
RemindersChanged Fires when the Reminders collection has been changed.
ResourceIdsChanged Occurs when the ResourceIds property value has changed. Inherited from SchedulerItemBase.
See Also