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RichEditControl.PopupMenuShowing Event

Allows you to customize the Rich Text Editor’s context menus.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.RichEdit

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.RichEdit.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.RichEdit


public event PopupMenuShowingEventHandler PopupMenuShowing

Event Data

The PopupMenuShowing event's data class is PopupMenuShowingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Customizations Provides access to the collection of context menu customization actions.
Menu Gets or sets the context menu for which the event is raised.
MenuType Indicates a document element for which the context menu is invoked.


Use the PopupMenuShowingEventArgs.Customizations property to add or remove menu items. The PopupMenuShowingEventArgs.MenuType property allows you to determine for which element (document text, a header or footer, a picture, etc.) the menu is invoked. To obtain the context menu for which the event is raised, use the PopupMenuShowingEventArgs.Menu property.

The example below customizes the Text context menu as follows:

  • Creates new Highlight Selection and Insert Picture items
  • Removes the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent items

Custom context menu for the Rich Text Editor

<dxre:RichEditControl Name="richTextEditor" 
using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native;
using DevExpress.Xpf.RichEdit;
using DevExpress.Xpf.Bars;
using DevExpress.Xpf.RichEdit.Menu;
using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Commands;
// ...

private void richTextEditor_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
    // Check whether the event is raised for document text.
    if (e.MenuType == RichEditMenuType.Text) {
        // Create a menu item to insert a picture
        // and bind this item to the Rich Text Editor's command.
        e.Customizations.Add(new BarButtonItem() {
            Command = RichEditUICommand.InsertFloatingPicture,
            Content = "Insert Picture",
            CommandParameter = richTextEditor

        // Create a custom menu item to highlight selected text.
        var menuItem = new BarButtonItem() {
            Name = "highlightSelectionItem",
            Content = "Highlight Selection"
        menuItem.ItemClick += MenuItem_ItemClick; ;

    // Remove the "Increase Indent" item from the menu.
    e.Customizations.Add(new RemoveRichEditCommandAction() {
        Id = RichEditCommandId.IncreaseIndent

    // Remove the "Decrease Indent" item from the menu.
    e.Customizations.Add(new RemoveRichEditCommandAction() {
        Id = RichEditCommandId.DecreaseIndent

private void MenuItem_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
    var selectedRanges = richTextEditor.Document.Selections;
    foreach (var range in selectedRanges) {
        var charProps = richTextEditor.Document.BeginUpdateCharacters(range);
        charProps.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;

The following code snippet (auto-collected from DevExpress Examples) contains a reference to the PopupMenuShowing event.


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See Also