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ReportDesignerCommands Properties

Provides access to Report Designer commands.
Name Description
AddChartImageAnnotationCommand Returns a command that adds an image annotation to a chart.
AddChartSeriesCommand Returns a command that adds a series to a chart.
AddChartTextAnnotationCommand Returns a command that adds a text annotation to a chart.
AddNewCalculatedFieldCommand Returns a command that invokes the Calculated Field Collection Editor.
AddNewParameterCommand Returns a command that invokes the Add Parameter dialog.
AddPivotGridFieldCommand Returns a command that adds a new field to a pivot grid.
AlignBottomCommand Returns a command to align the bottoms of the selected controls.
AlignHorizontalCentersCommand Returns a command to align the centers of the selected controls horizontally.
AlignLeftCommand Returns a command to left align the selected controls.
AlignRightCommand Returns a command to right align the selected controls.
AlignToGridCommand Returns a command to align the positions of the selected controls to the grid.
AlignTopCommand Returns a command to align the tops of the selected controls.
AlignVerticalCentersCommand Returns a command to align the centers of the selected controls vertically.
BringForwardCommand Returns a command that brings the selected elements one step closer to the front of a group of stacked elements.
BringToFrontCommand Returns a command that brings the selected elements to the front of a group of stacked elements.
CancelCommand Returns a command that cancels the selection from report elements.
CanSetBackgroundColor For internal use.
CanSetBorderColor For internal use.
CanSetForegroundColor For internal use.
CanSetTextProperties For internal use.
CenterHorizontallyCommand Returns a command to horizontally center the selected controls within a band.
CenterVerticallyCommand Returns a command to vertically center the selected controls within a band.
ClearFormattingCommand Returns a command that removes formatting from a report element.
CloneStyleCommand Returns a command that clones a report style.
CloseDocumentCommand Returns a command that closes the current report document.
CopyCommand Returns a command that copies the selected report elements to the clipboard.
CutCommand Returns a command that cuts the selected report elements to the clipboard.
DecreaseFontSizeCommand Returns the command that decreases the font size for the text within the selected report elements.
DeleteCommand Returns a command that removes the selected report elements.
Designer Specifies a Report Designer to which the current ReportDesignerCommands object is attached.
EditChartAnnotationsCommand Returns a command that invokes the Annotation Collection Editor.
EditChartSeriesCommand Returns a command that invokes the Series Collection Editor.
EditCommand Returns a command that invokes an in-place editor for editing the content of the selected element.
EditFavoritePropertiesCommand Returns a command that invokes the Favorite Properties Editor.
ExitCommand Returns a command that closes the Report Designer window.
ExtractStyleCommand Returns a command that creates a new report style based on a control’s appearance settings.
FitBoundsToContainerCommand Returns a command that fits a control’s boundaries to its parent container.
FitToPageCommand Returns a command that zooms the report design surface to fit the designer page’s dimensions.
HorizontalSpaceConcatenateCommand Returns a command to remove the horizontal spacing between the selected controls.
HorizontalSpaceDecreaseCommand Returns a command to decrease the horizontal spacing between the selected controls.
HorizontalSpaceIncreaseCommand Returns a command to increase the horizontal spacing between the selected controls.
HorizontalSpaceMakeEqualCommand Returns a command to make the horizontal spacing between the selected controls equal.
IncreaseFontSizeCommand Returns the command that increases the font size for the text within the selected report elements.
MoveSelectionCommand Returns a command that moves the selected elements in the specified direction using the snap grid and/or snap lines.
MoveSelectionNoSnapCommand Returns a command that moves the selected elements in the specified direction without snapping.
NewDocumentCommand Returns a command that creates a new report using the Report Wizard.
OpenDocumentCommand Returns a command that invokes the Open dialog that allows users to select the report layout to be opened.
PageMarginsModerateCommand Returns a command that sets the Moderate margin format.
PageMarginsNarrowCommand Returns a command that sets the Narrow margin format.
PageMarginsNormalCommand Returns a command that sets the Normal margin format.
PageMarginsWideCommand Returns a command that sets the Wide margin format.
PageOrientationLandscapeCommand Returns a command that sets the landscape page layout.
PageOrientationPortraitCommand Returns a command that sets the portrait page layout.
PageSetupCommand Returns a command that invokes the Page Setup dialog.
PasteCommand Returns a command that pastes the content of the clipboard to the selected report band.
RedoCommand Returns a command that reverses the results of the last undo action.
RemoveChartAnnotationCommand Returns a command that removes an annotation from a chart.
RemoveChartSeriesCommand Returns a command that removes a series from a chart.
RemoveDuplicateStylesCommand Returns a command that removes duplicated report styles.
RemovePivotGridFieldCommand Returns a command that removes a field from a pivot grid.
RemoveStyleCommand Returns a command that removes a report style.
RunDataSourceWizardCommand Returns a command that invokes the Data Source Wizard.
RunExpressionEditorCommand Returns a command that invokes the Expression Editor.
RunManageQueriesEditorCommand Returns a command that invokes the Manage Queries dialog.
RunManageRelationsEditorCommand Returns a command that invokes the Master-Detail Relation Editor.
SaveDocumentAsCommand Returns a command that invokes the Save dialog that allows users to select a file to which the current report layout should be saved.
SaveDocumentCommand Returns a command that saves the current report to the default file.
SelectAllCommand Returns a command that selects all report bands.
SelectControlsWithStyleCommand Returns a command that selects controls with the report style applied.
SelectNextItemCommand Returns a command that selects the next report element in the tab order.
SelectPrevItemCommand Returns a command that selects the previous report element in the tab order.
SendBackwardCommand Returns a command that moves the selected elements one step toward to the back of a group of stacked elements.
SendToBackCommand Returns a command that moves the selected elements behind of a group of stacked elements.
SetChartAppearanceCommand Returns a command that sets a chart’s appearance.
SetChartPaletteCommand Returns a command that sets a palette for painting a chart series.
SetGaugeViewStyleCommand Returns a command that sets the gauge view.
SetHorizontalAlignmentCommand Returns a command that specifies the horizontal text alignment of the selected elements.
SetSparklineViewTypeCommand Returns a command that sets the sparkline view.
SetVerticalAlignmentCommand Returns a command that specifies the vertical text alignment of the selected elements.
SizeToControlCommand Returns a command to make the selected controls have the same size.
SizeToControlHeightCommand Returns a command to make the selected controls have the same height.
SizeToControlWidthCommand Returns a command to make the selected controls have the same width.
SizeToGridCommand Returns a command to size the selected controls to the grid.
ToggleCharacterCombAutoHeightCommand Returns a command that enables/disables automatic adjustment of the cell height depending on the current font size.
ToggleCharacterCombAutoWidthCommand Returns a command that enables/disables automatic adjustment of the cell width depending on the current font size.
ToggleFontBoldCommand Returns a command that applies/removes bold formatting to/from the selected elements.
ToggleFontItalicCommand Returns a command that applies/removes italic formatting to/from the selected elements.
ToggleFontStrikethroughCommand Returns a command that applies/removes strikethrough text formatting to/from the selected elements.
ToggleFontUnderlineCommand Returns a command that applies/removes underlining to/from the selected elements.
TogglePivotGridPrintColumnHeadersCommand Returns a command that toggles printing a pivot grid’s column headers.
TogglePivotGridPrintDataHeadersCommand Returns a command that toggles printing a pivot grid’s data headers.
TogglePivotGridPrintFilterHeadersCommand Returns a command that toggles printing a pivot grid’s filter headers.
TogglePivotGridPrintHorizontalLinesCommand Returns a command that toggles printing a pivot grid’s horizontal lines.
TogglePivotGridPrintRepeatColumnsCommand Returns a command that toggles whether to repeat a pivot grid’s columns on every page.
TogglePivotGridPrintRepeatRowsCommand Returns a command that toggles whether to repeat a pivot grid’s rows on every page.
TogglePivotGridPrintRowHeadersCommand Returns a command that toggles printing a pivot grid’s row headers.
TogglePivotGridPrintVerticalLinesCommand Returns a command that toggles printing a pivot grid’s vertical lines.
ToggleShowExportWarningsCommand Returns a command that displays/hides warnings about intersecting report controls.
ToggleShowPrintingWarningsCommand Returns a command that displays/hides warnings that report control overruns the right page margin.
ToggleSnapToGridCommand Returns a command that enables/disables snapping to the snap grid.
ToggleSnapToLinesCommand Returns a command that enables/disables snapping using snap lines.
UndoCommand Returns a command that cancels the last change made to the report.
VerticalSpaceConcatenateCommand Returns a command to remove the vertical spacing between the selected controls.
VerticalSpaceDecreaseCommand Returns a command to decrease the vertical spacing between the selected controls.
VerticalSpaceIncreaseCommand Returns a command to increase the vertical spacing between the selected controls.
VerticalSpaceMakeEqualCommand Returns a command to make the vertical spacing between the selected controls equal.
See Also