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TransverseMercatorCartesianToGeoConverter(Ellipsoid, Double, Double, GeoPoint, Double) Constructor

Initializes new instance of the TransverseMercatorCartesianToGeoConverter class with the specified parameters.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Map

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Map.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Map


public TransverseMercatorCartesianToGeoConverter(
    Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
    double falseEasting,
    double falseNorthing,
    GeoPoint projectionCenter,
    double scaleFactor


Name Type Description
ellipsoid Ellipsoid

An Ellipsoid object.

falseEasting Double

A Double value specifying the false easting value.

falseNorthing Double

A Double value specifying the false northing value.

projectionCenter GeoPoint

A GeoPoint object specifying the central meridian and the latitude of the projection’s origin values.

scaleFactor Double

A Double object specifying the scale factor.

See Also