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DefaultColumnMenuItemNames Fields

Contains default item captions displayed within the column context menu.
Name Description
BestFit Returns “BestFit”. Corresponds to the menu item used to best fit the width of the current grid column.
BestFitColumns Returns “BestFitColumns”. Corresponds to the menu item used to best fit the widths of all grid columns.
ClearFilter static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
ClearGrouping Returns “ItemClearGrouping”. Corresponds to the menu item used to ungroup the grid.
ClearGroupSummarySorting Returns “ItemClearGroupSummarySorting”. Corresponds to the menu item used to cancel sorting rows by group summary values. In this instance, group rows are sorted by the values of the corresponding grouping column.
ClearSorting static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
ColumnChooser static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
ConditionalFormatting Returns “ConditionalFormatting”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the conditional formatting submenu.
ConditionalFormatting_ClearRules Returns “ConditionalFormatting_ClearRules”. Corresponds to the menu item used to clear conditional formatting rules.
ConditionalFormatting_ClearRules_FromAllColumns Returns “ConditionalFormatting_ClearRules_FromAllColumns”. Corresponds to the menu item used to clear all conditional formatting rules that are currently applied.
ConditionalFormatting_ClearRules_FromCurrentColumns Returns “ConditionalFormatting_ClearRules_FromCurrentColumns”. Corresponds to the menu item used to clear conditional formatting rules that are applied to the current column.
ConditionalFormatting_ColorScales Returns “ConditionalFormatting_ColorScales”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set conditional formatting using color scales.
ConditionalFormatting_DataBars Returns “ConditionalFormatting_DataBars”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set conditional formatting using data bars.
ConditionalFormatting_DataUpdateRules Returns “ConditionalFormatting_DataUpdateRules”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set up the data update conditional formatting rules.
ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules Returns “ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set conditional formatting using rules.
ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_ADateOccurring Returns “ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_ADateOccurring”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the ‘A Date Occuring’ format condition dialog.
ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_Between Returns “ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_Between”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the ‘Between’ format condition dialog.
ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_CustomCondition Returns “ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_CustomCondition”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the ‘Custom Condition’ format condition dialog.
ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_EqualTo Returns “ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_EqualTo”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the ‘Equal To’ format condition dialog.
ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_GreaterThan Returns “ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_GreaterThan”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the ‘Greater Than’ format condition dialog.
ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_LessThan Returns “ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_LessThan”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the ‘Less Than’ format condition dialog.
ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_TextThatContains Returns “ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_TextThatContains”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the ‘TextThatContains’ format condition dialog.
ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_UniqueDuplicate Returns “ConditionalFormatting_HighlightCellsRules_TextThatContains”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the ‘Text That Contains’ format condition dialog.
ConditionalFormatting_IconSets Returns “ConditionalFormatting_IconSets”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set conditional formatting using icon sets.
ConditionalFormatting_ManageRules Returns “ConditionalFormatting_ManageRules”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the ‘ManageRules’ format condition dialog.
ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules Returns “ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set top/bottom conditional formatting rules.
ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_AboveAverage Returns “ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_AboveAverage”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set the ‘Above Average’ top/bottom conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_BelowAverage Returns “ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_BelowAverage”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set the ‘Below Average’ top/bottom conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_Bottom10Items Returns “ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_Bottom10Items”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set the ‘Bottom 10 Items’ top/bottom conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_Bottom10Percent Returns “ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_Bottom10Percent”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set the ‘Bottom 10 Percent’ top/bottom conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_Top10Items Returns “ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_Top10Items”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set the ‘Top 10 Items’ top/bottom conditional formatting rule.
ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_Top10Percent Returns “ConditionalFormatting_TopBottomRules_Top10Percent”. Corresponds to the menu item used to set the ‘Top 10 Percent’ top/bottom conditional formatting rule.
FilterEditor static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
FixedLeft static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
FixedNone static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
FixedRight static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
FixedStyle static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
FullCollapse Returns “ItemFullCollapse”. Corresponds to the menu item used to collapse all group rows within a View.
FullExpand Returns “ItemFullExpand”. Corresponds to the menu item used to expand all group rows within a View.
GroupBox Returns. “ItemGroupBox”. Corresponds to the menu item used to show/hide the Group Panel.
GroupColumn Returns “ItemGroupColumn”. Corresponds to the menu item used to group/ungroup data by the values of the corresponding column.
GroupSummaryEditor Returns “ItemGroupSummaryEditor”. Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the Group Summary Editor.
MenuColumnGroupInterval Returns “GroupInterval”. Corresponds to the sub menu item, allowing an end-user to specify a DateTime column’s interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalDay Returns “Day”. Corresponds to the menu item that groups rows by the date part of their values. The time portion is ignored in this grouping mode. To learn more, see interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalMonth Returns “Month”. Corresponds to the menu item that groups rows by the month of their values. To learn more, see interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalNone Returns “None”. Corresponds to the menu item that applies default grouping mode. To learn more, see interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalSmart Returns “Smart”. Corresponds to the menu item that groups rows according to their date value as compared with the current system date (ColumnGroupInterval.DateRange). To learn more, see interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalYear Returns “Year”. Corresponds to the menu item that groups rows by the year of their values. To learn more, see interval grouping.
SearchPanel static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
SortAscending static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
SortBySummary Returns “ItemSortBySummary”. Corresponds to the menu item used to sort group rows by group summary values.
SortDescending static Inherited from DefaultColumnMenuItemNamesBase.
UnboundExpressionEditor Returns “UnboundExpressionEditor”. Corresponds to the menu item used to show/hide the Expression Editor.
UnGroupColumn Returns “ItemUnGroupColumn”. Corresponds to the menu item used to ungroup the column.
See Also