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ValidationService.AllowAccessibilityAlerts Attached Property

Specifies whether to enable UI Automation-based accessibility alerts for validation errors. This is an attached property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Core



Type Description

true, to inform the user of validation errors via the UI Automation framework; otherwise, false.


Users receive validation alerts when they perform the following actions:

  • Focus an editor that has validation errors.
  • Select a cell that has validation errors in a GridControl or a PropertyGridControl.
  • Change a correct value to an incorrect one or vice versa. The alert is only sent after input validation. If the ValidateOnTextInput property is set to true, input validation occurs on every character change, but the user only receives a single alert when validation passes or fails.
  • Invoke a tooltip that has an error message.
  • Attempt to switch focus from the editor that has validation errors when the InvalidValueBehavior property is set to WaitForValidValue.
See Also