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TernaryFilterModel Properties

A model for operators with three operands (e.g., Is between, Is between dates).
Name Description
AggregatePropertyName Inherited from FilterModelBase.
CanBuildFilter Gets whether the filter can be built. Inherited from FilterModelBase.
FieldDisplayName Gets a display name of the field. Inherited from FilterModelBase.
FilterValues Gets values available for an operand. Inherited from FilterModel.
FilterValuesSortMode Gets a mode that defines how filter values are sorted. Inherited from FilterModelBase.
FilterValuesSortModes Gets available sort modes. Inherited from FilterModel.
IsLoading For internal use. Inherited from FilterModel.
Left Gets or sets a value of the left operand.
LeftValueItem Gets a left editor’s settings. Use the FilterModelValueItem.Value property to get a value.
Right Gets or sets a value of the right operand.
RightValueItem Gets a right editor’s settings. Use the FilterModelValueItem.Value property to get a value.
See Also