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DXTabControl.TabContentCacheMode Property

Gets or sets whether the DXTabControl‘s tabs are cached all at once or only when selected.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Core

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public TabContentCacheMode TabContentCacheMode { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A TabContentCacheMode enumerator value that specifies the DXTabControl‘s tabs cache mode.

Available values:

Name Description LayoutGroup specifics

Tabs are not cached.

The LayoutGroup caches a tab when a user selects it. When a user switches to another tab, the tab’s cached content is kept but removed from an application’s visual tree.


The DXTabControl caches all its tabs when the control is loaded and displayed.

The LayoutGroup caches all its tabs when the control is loaded and displayed. When a user switches to another tab, the cached content is kept in the application’s visual tree.


The DXTabControl caches a tab when a user selects it.

The LayoutGroup caches a tab when a user selects it. When a user switches to another tab, the cached content is kept in the application’s visual tree.


By default, the DXTabControl does not cache its tabs. If you set the TabContentCacheMode to TabContentCacheMode.CacheAllTabs, all the DXTabControl‘s tabs will be loaded and cached simultaneously after the DXTabControl is shown. This can significantly speed up navigation between tabs, but will consume more memory.

You can manually set the TabContentCacheMode property to TabContentCacheMode.CacheTabsOnSelecting. In this case, a tab will be cached only after it was selected.

Specify the TabContentCacheMode property value before the DXTabControl is loaded. Changing the TabContentCacheMode property value in runtime has no effect.

See Also