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StripeFillStyle() Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the StripeFillStyle class with the default settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public StripeFillStyle()


This example demonstrates how to colorize a surface in stripes. It uses the following classes and properties.

Class or Property The view of the series.
Series3DBase.View The view of the series.
SurfaceSeriesView The Surface series view.
SurfaceSeriesView.FillStyle The fill style of the front side of a surface.
StripeFillStyle The fill style that colorizes surface in stripes.
GradientFillStyle.ColorStops The collection of color stops defining stripe start and end values.
ColorStop Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient.
    <dxc:Series3D DisplayName="Random Data"
                  CrosshairLabelPattern="({X:F2}; {Y:F2}): {V:F2}">
        <dxc:SeriesPoint3DDataSourceAdapter DataSource="{Binding Path=DataPoints}"
                                            ValueDataMember="Z" />
                    <dxc:StripeFillStyle LegendTextPattern="{}{V1:F2} - {V2:F2}">
                            <dxc:ColorStop Offset="0%" />
                            <dxc:ColorStop Offset="16.67%" />
                            <dxc:ColorStop Offset="33.33%" />
                            <dxc:ColorStop Offset="50%" />
                            <dxc:ColorStop Offset="66.667%" />
                            <dxc:ColorStop Offset="83.33%" />
See Also