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LineSeries2D.ShowIsolatedPoints Property

Gets or sets the value that defines whether to show series points between empty points (whose values are undefined).

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Charts


public bool ShowIsolatedPoints { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

true, if the Chart Control shows isolated points; otherwise, false


The following images demonstrate how the ShowIsolatedPoints property operates:

ShowIsolatedPoints = true ShowIsolatedPoints = false
        <dxc:LineSeries2D ShowIsolatedPoints="True">
            <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="A" Value="5"/>
            <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="B" Value="6"/>
            <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="C" />
            <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="D" Value="4"/> <!-- This point is isolated. -->
            <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="E" />
            <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="F" Value="6"/>
            <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="G" Value="8"/>
            <dxc:SeriesPoint Argument="H" Value="7"/>
See Also