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Import and Export in Rich Text Editor for WPF

  • 7 minutes to read

This document describes how to load and save documents in different formats.

Built-in UI

End users can click the Open button on the File ribbon tab to invoke the Open dialog. Select the file you want to open and click Open.


The Save and Save As buttons on the File ribbon tab allow users to save the changes made to the current document or save it as a new file. Click the Save As button to invoke the Save As dialog used to save a copy as a new file, specify the document’s location, name, and format. Refer to the Lesson 1 - Create a Simple Rich Text Editor for details on how to provide a ribbon UI for the RichEditControl.


The DXRichEditDocumentSaveOptions.CurrentFileName property returns the current document’s file name (including the path and extension).


You can prohibit end-users from creating, loading or saving documents. Set the DXRichEditBehaviorOptions.CreateNew or DXRichEditBehaviorOptions.Open, DXRichEditBehaviorOptions.Save or DXRichEditBehaviorOptions.SaveAs property to DocumentCapability.Disabled to disable or hide the corresponding commands in the Ribbon UI and pop-up menu.

Initiate Load and Save Operations in Code


Use the RichEditControl.DocumentSource property to bind the RichEditControl to a document source from XAML. The following data sources are supported:

You can use the DXBinding extension to call a method that returns a valid document source directly in XAML, as in the following code:

<dxre:RichEditControl  Name="richEditControl1"
                       DocumentSource="{DXBinding $local:SourceHelper.GetDocumentSource()'}">

Changes made in the bound document are not saved automatically. Refer to the Lesson 7 - Bind the RichEditControl to a Document Source using the MVVM pattern topic for information on how to implement a custom command to save changes to the database.


Execute one of the following commands to load or save a document:


The RichEditControl provides the following methods to load or save the document and specify its options. Refer to the Files examples section for code samples.

Member Description
RichEditControl.LoadDocument Loads a document from a file or stream. The document format can be specified by one of the DocumentFormat enumeration values or detected automatically.
RichEditControl.LoadDocumentTemplate Loads a document template from the specified file or stream so that it cannot be overwritten automatically.
Document.LoadDocument Loads a document from the specified file or stream. Its content can be specified by one of the DocumentFormat enumeration values or is automatically determined based on the file’s format.
SubDocument.InsertDocumentContent Inserts content from the selected range into the current document at the specified position.
SubDocument.AppendDocumentContent Appends content from the selected range.
RichEditControl.SaveDocument Saves the control’s document to a file or stream and specifies the document’s format.
RichEditControl.SaveDocumentAs Invokes the Save As dialog and saves the document.
Document.SaveDocument Saves the document to a file or stream and specifies the document’s format.


The SaveDocumentCommand or SaveDocumentAsCommand execution sets the RichEditControl.Modified property to false. The RichEditControl.SaveDocument, RichEditControl.SaveDocumentAs or Document.SaveDocument method call does not automatically change the Modified property value.

How to: Load and Save a Document

The code sample below loads the document from a file stream when the form is opened and saves the result to the file when the form is closed. Refer to the How to: Load a Document and How to: Save a Document examples for more code samples.

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  using (Stream stream = new FileStream("FirstLook.docx", FileMode.Open))


private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
   richEditControl.SaveDocument("Result.docx", DocumentFormat.OpenXml);

Basic Format-Specific API

The table below lists document formats the RichEditControl supports, and the API used to set format-specific import and export options. You can specify these options in the RichEditControl.BeforeImport or RichEditControl.BeforeExport event handlers.

Format Accessed By Import Options Export Options
Plain Text Document.Text DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.PlainTextOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.PlainTextOptions
Rich Text Format Document.RtfText DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.RtfOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.RtfOptions
DOCX Document.OpenXmlBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.OpenXmlOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.OpenXmlOptions
DOC Document.DocBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.DocOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.DocOptions
DOCM Document.DocmBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.Docm DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.Docm
DOT Document.DotBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.DotOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.DotOptions
DOTM Document.DotmBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.DotmOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.DotmOptions
DOTX Document.DotxBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.DotxOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.DotxOptions
WordML Document.WordMLText DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.WordMLOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.WordMLOptions
FlatOpc (XML) Document.FlatOpcBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.FlatOpcOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.FlatOpcOptions
FlatOpcMacroEnabled (XML) Document.FlatOpcMacroEnabledBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.FlatOpcMacroEnabledOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.FlatOpcMacroEnabledOptions
FlatOpcTemplate (XML) Document.FlatOpcTemplateBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.FlatOpcTemplateOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.FlatOpcTemplateOptions
FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplate (XML) Document.FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplateBytes DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplateOptions RichEditDocumentExportOptions.FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplate
MHT Document.MhtText DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.MhtOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.MhtOptions
HTML Document.HtmlText DXRichEditDocumentImportOptions.HtmlOptions DXRichEditDocumentExportOptions.HtmlOptions
ODT Document.OpenDocumentBytes RichEditDocumentImportOptions.OpenDocument RichEditDocumentExportOptions.OpenDocument
PDF Not Supported PdfExportOptions


Use the SubDocument‘s Get… methods to retrieve and format a part of the document. Refer to the Positions and Ranges topic for details.

How to: Handle BeforeImport and BeforeExport events


Check Export and Files examples section for more information on how to accomplish an import- or export-related task.

How to: Handle the BeforeImport Event

The code sample below illustrates how to handle RichEditControl.BeforeImport event for different document formats:

private void RichEditControl_BeforeImport(object sender, BeforeImportEventArgs e)
    if (e.DocumentFormat == DocumentFormat.PlainText)
    //Detect plain text encoding automatically:
    ((DXRichEditPlainTextDocumentImporterOptions)e.Options).AutoDetectEncoding = true;

    if (e.DocumentFormat == DocumentFormat.Doc)
    //Disable loading comments added to removed ranges in DOC documents
    ((DXRichEditDocDocumentImporterOptions)e.Options).KeepCommentsForRemovedRanges = false;

    if (e.DocumentFormat == DocumentFormat.Html)
    //Load images synchronously with HTML documents
    ((DXRichEditHtmlDocumentImporterOptions)e.Options).AsyncImageLoading = false;

How to: Handle the BeforeExport Event

The code sample below shows how specify export options for different formats in the RichEditControl.BeforeExport event handler.

private void RichEditControl_BeforeExport(object sender, BeforeExportEventArgs e)
    if (e.DocumentFormat == DocumentFormat.PlainText)
        //Include document fields in the exported plain text: 
        DXRichEditPlainTextDocumentExporterOptions plainTextOptions = e.Options as DXRichEditPlainTextDocumentExporterOptions;
        plainTextOptions.ExportHiddenText = true;
        plainTextOptions.FieldCodeEndMarker = ">";
        plainTextOptions.FieldCodeStartMarker = "[<";
        plainTextOptions.FieldResultEndMarker = "]";

    if (e.DocumentFormat == DocumentFormat.OpenXml)
        //Specify what DOCX document properties to export: 
        DXRichEditOpenXmlDocumentExporterOptions docxOptions = e.Options as DXRichEditOpenXmlDocumentExporterOptions;
        docxOptions.ExportedDocumentProperties = DocumentPropertyNames.Title | DocumentPropertyNames.LastModifiedBy | DocumentPropertyNames.Modified;

    if (e.DocumentFormat == DocumentFormat.Html)
        //Specify HTML export options: 
        DXRichEditHtmlDocumentExporterOptions htmlOptions = e.Options as DXRichEditHtmlDocumentExporterOptions;
        htmlOptions.EmbedImages = true;
        htmlOptions.CssPropertiesExportType = CssPropertiesExportType.Style;
        htmlOptions.UseFontSubstitution = false;

Notes on Document Content

Control Document Elements on Load

Use the RichEditControl.DocumentCapabilitiesOptions property to access the DXRichEditDocumentCapabilitiesOptions properties to control what document elements to import. Specify the options in the RichEditControl.BeforeImport event handler, as shown below. The restricted elements are lost when the document is saved.

private void Server_BeforeImport(object sender, BeforeImportEventArgs e)
    server.Options.DocumentCapabilities.CharacterFormatting = DocumentCapability.Disabled;
    server.Options.DocumentCapabilities.Comments = DocumentCapability.Disabled;
    server.Options.DocumentCapabilities.InlineShapes = DocumentCapability.Disabled;

HTML Tag Support

The RichEditControl parses and transforms loaded HTML documents into the internal document model. However, not every HTML tag can be converted into a corresponding document model element. Refer to the HTML Tag Support topic for a list of supported tags.

See Also