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Drag-and-Drop Options

  • 3 minutes to read

The GridControl has a set of properties and events that allow you to control drag-and-drop operations at different stages.


Use the following properties to enable drag-and-drop operations:

Property Description
DataViewBase.AllowDragDrop Gets or sets whether an end user can drag and drop grid view’s records.
DataViewBase.AllowSortedDataDragDrop Gets or sets whether an end user can drag and drop sorted or grouped data.

The GridControl with the drag-and-drop functionality enabled requires 2 mouse clicks to activate a cell editor and 3 clicks to open a drop-down editor. You can set the DataViewBase.EditorShowMode property to MouseDownFocused or MouseUp to reduce the number of clicks.

The Beginning of the Drag-and-drop Operation

You can prevent the drag-and-drop operation or customize the dragged data:

Event Description
DataViewBase.StartRecordDrag Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is started. You can use this event to modify dragged data or forbid dragging specific records.

The Dragging Process

You can specify how your source and target grids behave during the drag-and-drop operation, and customize the drop hint and marker elements’ appearance:

Property Description
DataViewBase.AutoExpandOnDrag Gets or sets whether dragging records over a collapsed group automatically expands this group.
DataViewBase.AutoExpandDelayOnDrag Gets or sets the delay after which the collapsed group is expanded, in milliseconds.
DataViewBase.AllowScrollingOnDrag Gets or sets whether dragging records to the edges of the grid’s view automatically activates scrolling.
DataViewBase.ShowDragDropHint Gets or sets whether the drag-and-drop hint is displayed when dragging a record.
DataViewBase.ShowTargetInfoInDragDropHint Gets or sets whether the drag-and-drop hint shows information about a drop target.
DataViewBase.DragDropHintTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the drag-and-drop hint‘s presentation.
DataViewBase.DropMarkerTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the drop marker‘s presentation.
Event Description
DataViewBase.DragRecordOver Occurs continuously while a record is dragged within the drop target’s boundary. You can use this event to check dragged data availability, deny a drop operation over specific records, or set a drop position.
DataViewBase.GiveRecordDragFeedback Occurs continuously during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drop source to give feedback to the user.
DataViewBase.ContinueRecordDrag Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button states during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drop source to cancel the drag-and-drop operation depending on the key/button states.

The End of the Drag-and-drop Operation

You can reorder items, customize dropped data, and prevent removing the dragged items from the source grid:

Event Description
DataViewBase.DropRecord Occurs when a record is dropped on the target element. You can use this event to process dropped data.
DataViewBase.CompleteRecordDragDrop Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed. You can use this event to cancel removing records after dropping or add additional actions.


For the ListBoxEdit, you can use the ListBoxDragDropBehavior class’s attached properties and events. Refer to the Drag-and-Drop Between GridControl and ListBoxEdit topic for more information.