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Dialogs, Notifications and Panels

  • 2 minutes to read

Documents in this section describe various controls and services that display panels, messages, dialogs and other notifications to your customers.


WPF - Notifications - Message

A message box that can contain text, buttons and icons. Message boxes are widely used in applications to inform users about specific events or instruct them to perform required actions. Unlike standard Microsoft Windows messages, DXMessageBoxes fully support List of DevExpress WPF Themes. In applications built according to the MVVM pattern, use the related service to display themed messages.


WPF - Notifications - WinUI Message

Display themed messages in a Windows Modern UI manner, stretched across the entire window.


WPF - Notifications - Dialog

Dialogs are advanced message boxes that display a layout of controls instead of a simple text string. Typically, dialogs are used to prompt end-users for additional information (e.g., entering user credentials). As with DXMessageBoxes, DXDialogWindows are fully compatible with List of DevExpress WPF Themes.

OpenFile, SaveFile and FolderBrowser Dialogs

WPF - Notifications - File Dialogs

The DXOpenFileDialog, DXSaveFileDialog and DXFolderBrowserDialog class instances replace standard WPF dialogs. These DevExpress counterparts fully support Themes and can be displayed on Windows Vista and newer. For older OS versions, default WPF dialogs are displayed instead.


  • DevExpress.Xpf.Dialogs.DXOpenFileDialog
  • DevExpress.Xpf.Dialogs.DXSaveFileDialog
  • DevExpress.Xpf.Dialogs.DXFolderBrowserDialog


WPF - Notifications - WinUI Dialog

Displays Windows Modern-styled dialogs that can be painted using List of DevExpress WPF Themes.

Flyout Control

WPF - Notifications - Flyout

The FlyoutControl provides panels that can be shown in two modes: docked to either edge of an application window or displayed as pop-up panels with a beak. Can store content of any type and provide various animation effects.

Toast Notifications

WPF - Notifications - Toast

The NotificationService provides Windows Modern-inspired notifications that pop up at the screen edge and dismiss after a certain delay. Showing these notifications can be accompanied with system notification sounds.