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Predefined Set

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The DevExpress WPF Product Line includes the following predefined services:

Message Box Services

DXMessageBoxService (IMessageBoxService)
Allows you to display message boxes
WinUIMessageBoxService (IMessageBoxService)
Allows you to display message boxes in a Windows 8 style

Dialog Services

DialogService (IDialogService)
Allows you to display views in a modal window
WinUIDialogService (IDialogService)
Allows you to display views in a modal window in a Windows 8 style

Document Manager Services

WindowedDocumentUIService (IDocumentManagerService)
Allows you to show windowed documents
DockingDocumentUIService (IDocumentManagerService)
Allows you to show docked documents
TabbedDocumentUIService (IDocumentManagerService)
Allows you to show tabbed documents
FrameDocumentUIService (IDocumentManagerService)
Allows you to show framed documents
TabbedWindowDocumentUIService (IDocumentManagerService)
Allows you to show tabbed documents

Report Services

GridReportManagerService (IReportManagerService)
Allows you to export data from a GridControl using the XtraReports suite
StandaloneReportManagerService (IReportManagerService)
Allows you to export data from any appropriate data source supported by XtraReport

Open/Save File Dialogs

Standard Dialog Box

OpenFileDialogService (IOpenFileDialogService)
Allows you to browse and open files in the File System by using the standard dialog box
SaveFileDialogService (ISaveFileDialogService)
Allows you to save data of a ViewModel to a file by using the standard dialog box

DevExpress Dialog Boxes

DXOpenFileDialogService (IOpenFileDialogService)
Allows you to browse and open files in the File System by using the DevExpress dialog box
DXSaveFileDialogService (ISaveFileDialogService)
Allows you to save data of a ViewModel to a file by using the DevExpress dialog box
DXOpenFolderDialogService (IOpenFolderDialogService)
Allows you to browse and open folders in the File System by using the DevExpress dialog box

Other Services

NotificationService (INotificationService)
Allows you to display notifications in a Windows 8 style
UIObjectService (IUIObjectService)
Allows you to write View Model code that can access UI objects in a View and does not reference the object’s type.
TaskbarButtonService (ITaskbarButtonService)
Allows you to customize taskbar buttons
ApplicationJumpListService (IApplicationJumpListService)
Allows you to add jump tasks to the application’s Jump List
SplashScreenManagerService (ISplashScreenManagerService)
Allows you to show a splash screen
ViewInjectionService (IViewInjectionService)
Allows you to integrate any ViewModel (with its View) into any control
DispatcherService (IDispatcherService)
Allows you to perform actions in a ViewModel using the Dispatcher
FrameNavigationService (INavigationService)
Allows you to navigate between Views within a NavigationFrame
LayoutSerializationService (ILayoutSerializationService)
Allows you to save/restore the layout of serializable DevExpress WPF Controls
FolderBrowserDialogService (IFolderBrowserDialogService)
Allows you to browse, create, and select folders in the File System by using the standard folder browser dialog
WizardService (IWizardService)
Allows you to use the Wizard control in accordance with MVVM
WindowService (IWindowService)
Allows you to show your view as a window, and control the displayed window from the ViewModel
CurrentWindowService (ICurrentWindowService), CurrentDialogService (ICurrentDialogService)
Allow you to set a window state and activate, close, hide, and show a window.
NotifyIconService (INotifyIconService)
Allows you to place a notification icon (system tray icon) in the Windows notification area and manage its behavior