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BLOB Skins

You can save custom skins as BLOB files (.blob and .xml pairs) and then load them in your projects.

#Export Skins

In the Project Manager dialog, switch to the “Export” tab and click “Create Resources” to save the current skins.


Each skin is saved as a pair of .blob and .xml files.

Generated Skins

#Use BLOB Skins

In Visual Studio’s Solution Explorer window, add the newly generated skin files (.xml and .blob) to your project.

BLOB Skins - Add existing skins in Project Explorer

Added Files

Change Build Action for the recently added files to “Embedded Resource”.

BLOB Skins - Change Build Action

On application startup, register the custom skins as follows.

ApplicationSettingsHelper.LoadSettings(() => {
    var skinCreator = new SkinBlobXmlCreator(
        "my devexpress style", //Skin name.
        "MyApp1.CustomSkins",  //Relative path to .blob and .xml files.
        typeof(Program).Assembly, null);
DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default.SetSkinStyle("my devexpress style");
Application.Run(new Form1());