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BLOB Skins

You can save custom skins as BLOB files (.blob and .xml pairs) and then load them in your projects.

Export Skins

In the Project Manager dialog, switch to the “Export” tab and click “Create Resources” to save the current skins.


Each skin is saved as a pair of .blob and .xml files.

Generated Skins

Use BLOB Skins

In Visual Studio’s Solution Explorer window, add the newly generated skin files (.xml and .blob) to your project.

BLOB Skins - Add existing skins in Project Explorer

Added Files

Change Build Action for the recently added files to “Embedded Resource”.

BLOB Skins - Change Build Action

On application startup, register the custom skins as follows.

ApplicationSettingsHelper.LoadSettings(() => {
    var skinCreator = new SkinBlobXmlCreator(
        "my devexpress style", //Skin name.
        "MyApp1.CustomSkins",  //Relative path to .blob and .xml files.
        typeof(Program).Assembly, null);
DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default.SetSkinStyle("my devexpress style");
Application.Run(new Form1());