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Schedule Documents

  • 6 minutes to read

This topic describes how to schedule a document generation job and configure its settings.

#Create a Job

Click the Scheduling button in the Report and Dashboard Server’s toolbar to open the document scheduling screen.

Move the mouse over the Add Job button and select whether to create a basic job or billing statement.

  • Job

    This basic job generates a generic document (report or dashboard) that does not change between different receivers.

  • Billing Statement

    This job generates documents that are tailored to specific recipients. You can use report or dashboard parameters to personalize each document’s content. You should also specify a data model and its data field that provides recipient emails.

These actions invoke the wizard to schedule a job and specify its settings. The following sections describe the wizard pages:

#General Settings

The first wizard page provides the main job settings that depend on the selected job type.

  • Job




Specifies the job’s unique name.


Specifies the document to generate.

Retention Period

Specifies how many days to store generated documents on the Server. A zero value indicates unlimited document storage time.

  • Billing Statement




Specifies the job’s unique name.


Specifies the document to generate.

Retention Period

Specifies how many days to store generated documents on the Server. A zero value indicates unlimited document storage time.

Data Model

Specifies a data model that contains a field with recipient emails.

Data Member

Specifies a data member (table, view or query) that contains a field with recipient emails.

Email Address Field

Specifies a data field that provides recipient emails.

Recipient Name Field

Specifies a data field that provides recipient names. These names appear in the email headers.

#Document Parameters

This wizard page appears only if a document contains visible parameters and allows you to specify values for them (including multi-value and cascading parameters).

The Report and Dashboard Server supports the following parameter types:

  • Static

    A parameter value is specified manually.

  • Bound (for billing statements only)

    A parameter value is obtained from a specified data field.

  • Calculated (for date-time parameters only)

    A parameter value is calculated at the time when the scheduled job runs based on to the selected point in time.

You can choose one of the following calculated values:




  • Start of the previous task
  • Start of the previous day

  • Start of the current day

  • Start of the next day

  • Start of the previous week

  • Start of the current week

  • Start of the next week




  • Start of the previous month
  • Start of the current month
  • Start of the next month
  • Start of the previous quarter
  • Start of the current quarter
  • Start of the next quarter
  • Start of the previous year
  • Start of the current year
  • Start of the next year


This wizard page allows you to schedule a job.

The Start Date option specifies the date and time at which the task should run.

You can select one of the following job types:

  • Recurrent

    The job runs multiple times based on the specified recurrence options.

  • Run Once

    The job runs at the specified date and time and is not repeated.

For a recurrent job, specify the recurrence frequency and interval. The following recurrence frequency options are available:

  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

#Email Settings

On this wizard page, you can specify settings to send emails with the job’s generated documents.



Document Format

Specifies how to deliver documents by email.

  • Document preview URL

    Each email contains an URL of a web page that displays a document.

  • Attached PDF

    Each email contains a document attached as a PDF file.

  • Attached Excel workbook

    Each email contains a document attached as an XLSX file.

  • Embedded HTML (for reports only)

    Each email has a report embedded into its body as inline HTML content. Dashboards do not support this delivery format.

Send As

(for basic jobs only)

Specifies how to send emails to recipients.

  • Individual emails

    The Server should send individual emails to all recipients.

  • One email to multiple recipients

    The Server should send one common email with all recipients listed in the “To” section.

Send a Blank Document

Specifies whether to send blank documents that do not contain any pages. Note that a document contains at least one page if a report’s Printing - Report Print Options - Print when Data Source is Empty property is True. You should set this property to False to prevent sending documents whose data source has no records.

#Email Recipients

This wizard page appears only when you create a basic job and allows you to specify email recipients.

Select checkboxes for the registered Report and Dashboard Server users who should receive emails from the scheduled job. These users should have at least the minimum (read-only) permissions to access this job.

Use the editor below the table to specify any number of external subscriber emails separated by a comma.

#Export to File System

This wizard page is available only when you create a basic job.

You can export documents to various formats and place these documents into shared folders. Specify paths to the resulting files separated by a comma. If a file with the specified name already exists, the job overrides it.

Supported file extensions depend on the document type:



  • “csv”
  • “docx”
  • “html”
  • “mht”
  • “pdf”
  • “rtf”
  • “txt”
  • “xls”
  • “xlsx”
  • “pdf”
  • “png”
  • “xlsx”

You can use the following placeholders in the folder and/or file names to transform them into current date/time values on export:

  • #Year# - four digits
  • #Month# - two digits
  • #Day# - two digits
  • #Hour# - two digits (24-hour format)
  • #Minute# - two digits

#Manage the Created Job

After you completed the wizard, the job appears in the list, and the side panel displays job details.

You can edit an existing job in the wizard. Click the Edit button to open the wizard’s first page and go through several steps.

To open a specific wizard page, click the button whose name corresponds to this page’s name (that is, the Email Settings button opens the Email Settings wizard page).

You can temporarily disable the job or delete it along with all generated documents.

#Execute the Job and Show Generated Documents

The created job runs automatically at the specified date and time and is repeated according to the specified recurrence options.

Click the Execute Now button to start the job immediately.

Click the Generated Documents button to invoke the dialog that displays the job’s run history and all the documents that this job produces. Click an item to expand its details.